#indieweb 2023-04-05

2023-04-05 UTC
geoffo joined the channel
bkil, that is a very good insight, and yes, does reflect that the audience/personas of folks that come to the IndieWeb site and community had broadened & diversified a lot since those were written
has* broadened
I treat hierarchical tags as a list of tags, I don't think they need containment. More of a bag of words
[tantek]: This would need a bit surveying, but some options that come to mind would be a separate FAQ per each of the partially overlapping categories of: iwdev, UGC producers on silos & on The Fediverse, web developers, iw-evangelists and website visitors (usually referred by evangelists).
We should at least separate devs / authors, that's definitely a chat we've had about other things on the wiki. Then we can further subdivide from there. This is #indieweb-meta enough that we can move there (as gRegor tried to :)
it is probable
I'm actually missing a (FOSS) article that would detail good hashtag design architecture. It is kind of interesting that I was brought to the indieweb most recently through the hashtags page most recently (but I've already encountered it a few times over the years) https://indieweb.org/hashtags
A FOSS article especially about architecture sounds more on topic for #indieweb-dev
hey bkil [tantek]: we try to keep dev talk (FOSS) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
Actually, I did give it a second thought before posting and I sincerely disagree with the bot in _this_ specific instance. Pardon for any jargon term, but the strategy of efficient hashtag use is more about producing content and improving its reach. I.e., it is more of a community management or marketing & engagement related task and should be catering to content producers, not only to iw-devs or webdevs.
the licensing of code is absolutely a developer-specific topic
Where did I mention licensing of code?
I referred to missing a "FOSS article", i.e., it is the licensing of the documentation that should be libre (such as commonly found in a wiki). I find it relates to the social concept of free culture & reuse in general, not to coding.
Maybe I could have avoided that jargon by writing "free article", although I personally find that a trigger word.
i've never heard "FOSS" used in the context of text. maybe because the last S is for "Software"?
i would expect to hear "creative commons" in relation to licensing of documentation
wow, they didn't waste any time. got this email just now: "This is a notice that your app - Bridgy - has been suspended from accessing the Twitter API. Please visit developer.twitter.com to sign up to our new Free, Basic or Enterprise access tiers."
so much for April 29
aww :(
hopefully bluesky and the fediverse can replace it
speaking of which, do you think bridgy will support bluesky?
yar, antranigv, IWSlackGateway and [manton] joined the channel
[snarfed] What a mess. Just read that Jetpack was also disabled.
I’ve been reshuffling my use of the Twitter API, moving to 2.0, but starting to think I won’t have until April 29.
sad how hard this was inevitably going to hit the indieweb
wowwww jetpack too
[snarfed] joined the channel
[manton] yeah you should probably expect to get cut off at any time now
IWSlackGateway, gRegor, [pfefferle], wagle, [chrisbergr], [fluffy], rocto, rvalue, joj, [Murray], antranigv and dostoevsky1881 joined the channel
n8chz, IWSlackGateway, geoffo and gRegor joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Personal Websites and the Open Internet" https://jamesg.blog/2023/04/04/personal-websites-open-internet/
geoffo, sp1ff, [tantek], gRegor, btrem, [jacky] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
LLMs are an interesting query interface for digital gardens.
I was just thinking about how any entry I add to my personal wiki becomes, after re-indexing, part of James Bot.
[pfefferle] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Please see https://indieweb.org/discuss for channel purposes and logging policies. Code of conduct: https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct
gaussianblue joined the channel
Starting now ^
n8chz joined the channel
Thank you everyone for attending!
I hope you all enjoyed the meetup!
It was great!
digitalgardens has 1 karma over the last year
[KevinMarks] and bterry joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Throwbacks and Brainstorming Timehop for Blogs" https://jamesg.blog/2023/04/02/timehop-for-blogs/
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I love the timehop idea
geoffo joined the channel
There was a lot of indieweb timehop experimentation years ago! https://indieweb.org/on_this_day
what are anniversaries
It looks like we don't have a page for "anniversaries" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "anniversaries is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is anniversary
anniversary, in the context of the IndieWeb, refers to the day you started to use a personal domain https://indieweb.org/anniversary
mdemo and chenghiz_ joined the channel