#indieweb 2023-04-10

2023-04-10 UTC
[manton], ren, Soni, n8chz, rory1, rvalue, jarkad, btrem, angelo, BDFOC, gxt__, ^ilhalmer and laker joined the channel
huh, Instagram suspended my account. I'm guessing because of the instagram-atom/Bridgy browser extensions. probably the former
I may need to shut that down if it's this dangerous
i mean, i'm 99% sure that's why my account got shut down too
Yeah I am too 😐
[marksuth], bterry and [dave] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Private Comments, or Why I’m Down On Webmentions" https://havenweb.org/2023/04/10/private-comments.html
On what basis could they justify your suspension due to a client side browser extension? That doesn't sound fair. And also makes me wonder whether I should pursue my general bridging browser extension as well.
they don't allow crawling, bots, etc
"fair" would ideally be nice but in practice isn't really relevant
As I don't use it, I haven't used their terms of service, but a bot is usually understood to imply an automated agent not acting on behalf of interactive user actions. Does this case stand here?
Crawling usually also implies a subtype of bot, one that fetches a large number of pages in a much faster rate than the human operating the computer is expected to be reading it.
If I made an interactive client side Instagram interface to work around its annoyances, I don't think that any of these provisions would apply to me.
I definitely sympathize with the desire to engineer their rules and prove they're wrong, but it won't matter. they choose what they want, then write/change the rules to enforce that
if they want something, and the rules don't exactly match what they want, they'll change (or ignore) the rules and still enforce what they want
which, again, may not feel "fair," but definitely is their prerogative
^ this is why scraping has always been a david vs goliath arms race, and in the long term pretty much always losing one for small communities like us
it only really works as long as we're below their radar and they don't notice us, or they notice but don't care
[snarfed] has 34 karma in this channel over the last year (136 in all channels)
[jacky] joined the channel
snarfed has 35 karma in this channel over the last year (137 in all channels)
Beware anyone using Twitter circles (for those still using Twitter UI) https://twitter.com/IanColdwater/status/1645468617394331649
I made a Twitter Circle with one person in it and posted this tweet for science. This was the result. Two people I don't follow saw the tweet & liked it. One of those people doesn't follow me either. Twitter Circles aren't private. Don't post anything you want private in them. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtXg-5xX0AAMMcw.jpg
ShoesNSocks joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> I learned recently that Substack supports subscribing to RSS feeds in their reader.
[campegg] joined the channel
capjamesg, yeah, I recently found out about that, too… it's pretty great that they (at least for now) support RSS. Not sure what you mean by "their reader", though—I'm using it with Feedbin/Reeder and it works just fine
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
capjamesg — wait, I think I might have mis-read your message. Do you mean you can subscribe to feeds from outside of Substack in their reader? If so, that's pretty neat! I was talking about subscribing to Substack newsletters via RSS (as in, you can drop a Substack newsletter URL in your feed reader and subscribe that way, rather than via email)
<c​apjamesg#4492> Yes.
<c​apjamesg#4492> That’s what I mean.
That's kinda cool
I wonder if we can evangelise them on an indieweb friendly social reader, as they're building a notes platform too
[KevinMarks] looks like they're kinda heading in that direction, since it's possible 'leave a like' using their reader already (although I'm guessing that's just for Substack posts, but it's conceptually along the same lines)
So they might like webmention integration too
<c​apjamesg#4492> Perhaps so!
<c​apjamesg#4492> I don’t know what that like button does 🤣
<c​apjamesg#4492> Maybe it’s a bookmark-esque feature right now?
their bookmarks ("saves") are separate. looks like it's just a standard silo like button. you can use it to like arbitrary posts from external feeds, but I doubt that does anything beyond storing the like internally inside substack
bret joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "IndiePass Update - April 2023" https://marksuth.dev/posts/2023/04/indiepass-update-april-2023
[marksuth] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
[indienews] New post: "Re: Private Comments, or Why I’m Down On Webmentions" https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/chatter/4644-Re-Private-Comments-or-Why-Im-Down-On-Webmentions
gRegor joined the channel
hit a milestone just now, my first post after Twitter killed Bridgy's backfeed. not sure if I'll post it to Twitter at all
similar to aaronpk
RIP twitter
hid the twitter rel-me link on my site
oof. i don't think i'm quite there yet. but we will see
Do we have anything about what to do about impersonation on the indieweb?
what is impersonation?
It looks like we don't have a page for "impersonation" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "impersonation is ____", a sentence describing the term)
guess not :)
Have we had two different domains claiming to be the same person? Eg one stealing content from the other?
i've seen that for websites for apps, trying to get someone to download a fake version of an app
Somewhat related to the #indieweb-dev identity conversation (though I'm trying to keep it at a high level / user-focused here, no proto calls)
the motivation there is to get them to install malware
Oh yeah that's definitely a thing both for apps and browser add-ons eg chatgpt
i'm sure it's happened for a person's website too, but there are fewer incentives for impersonating someone's website than impersonating a silo account that can actually send DMs to people
Ergo as soon as there's a standard way to send DMs to a website, there will be more incentive to impersonate
This is sorta related to /zombie sites which do impersonate the prior site
Special case of impersonation
bret joined the channel