[snarfed]the bad news is, its UX is notably worse than granary/twitter-atom's. no media, no auto-linking, no expanded URL entities (ie links are all t.co). sigh
Loqi[preview] [Manton Reece] Substack Notes is interesting but they seem to have forgotten a valuable part of the rest of Substack: content ownership and portability. Your newsletter/blog can be at your own domain name, but “notes” are just another silo on someone else’s p...
Loqisilo quits are public statements by individuals announcing they have quit posting on or using various silos with no intention to return. Sometimes people take a temporary break, AKA "social media break" or soft quit https://indieweb.org/silo-quits
[tantek]silo-quits / criticism are reasonably on-topic (helps with /why ) though I agree in spirit sknebel, better to focus chats here on our own productive efforts 🙂
sknebelI feel like it really has stopped having any significant new variations. API changes, ok, sure, I get how thats somewhat relevant for personal websites. Musk picking a fight with yet another organization is not, and mostly tiring to read about *everywhere*