#indieweb 2023-04-22

2023-04-22 UTC
[Tim_Nolte], a, gRegorLove_, [jeremycherfas]1, [tantek]1, Loqi__, geoffo, [pfefferle], btrem, PobodysNerfect, baudouin, IWSlackGateway, ShoesNSocks, [marksuth], [schmarty], n8chz and [snarfed] joined the channel
I started using https://nitter.net/ to convert Twitter lists to RSS feeds yesterday. Works well, and way higher quality than Zapier
n8chz, [TMichelleMoore], PobodysNerfect, [pfefferle], ShoesNSocks, geoffo, [KevinMarks], gRegor, btrem and [jacky] joined the channel
I'm curious how they're doing this
probably a scraper
ah > Uses Twitter's unofficial API
[preview] [Tiv0w] #783 Will the new Twitter API policy impact Nitter?
jonnybarnes, [tw2113_Slack_], mro, bterry, [chrisbergr] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
geoffo and [tantek] joined the channel
!tell [manton] is there a posting size/length limit for micro.blog notes? e.g. Twitter had 140 then 280, Mastodon has 500 char limit default, etc. I checked the help.micro.blog but didn't find anything about note posting limits (is the answer "There is no limit"?)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
nertzy joined the channel
[preview] [Manton Reece] Rounding up to 300 characters
[manton] joined the channel
good find, thanks [KevinMarks]++
[KevinMarks] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
geoffo, motheki and nertzy joined the channel
I'm realizing that I no longer need to start my replies with @ the person I'm replying to.
Didn’t even realize I'd accrued that habit from Twitter
Well, that does create a notification on slack, if that's what you want
reply posts, to be clear
For folks interested in IndieWeb and discovery, interesting and timely/recent blog post: https://fredrocha.net/2023/04/21/build-your-own-website-and-they-will-not-come/
sounds like a universal truth, not specific to the web
the web (especially via search) sets different expectations
for discovery, maybe. for (amount of) attention, maybe not