#indieweb 2023-04-23

2023-04-23 UTC
BinarySavior, ren, antranigv, bret, geoffo, gnulinuxuser, [TMichelleMoore], [KevinMarks], bozo_, btrem, jarkad, toastloop, aaronpk and PobodysNerfect joined the channel
Another one on rethinking social media https://kevquirk.com/anti-social-media
trwnh joined the channel
Wow, great micro.blog testimonial embedded in that ^ screed cc [manton]
And interestingly enough / TIL: kevquirk is one of the admins of the Fosstodon masto instance
Also this indieweb testimonial without calling it that:
"If you look at people like Nicolas Magand and Manu Moreale, they have zero social presence online, instead opting for their blog as their single place on the web.
Honestly, I’m thinking about doing something similar."
Interesting rel=me gatherer https://streetpass.social/
Does anyone have particularly nice simple clean examples of indieweb restaurant websites? I haven't found any simple static restaurant websites that clearly present the information people are looking for, and before I create a template I figured I'd ask
Maybe capjamesg has an idea or maybe that's why he built his coffee and breakfast wiki :)
capjamesg, speaking of, I didn't see the coffee and breakfast website in your projects page! https://jamesg.blog/projects/
[preview] James' Coffee Blog ☕
[KevinMarks]: that looks fun! Wonder how much they were inspired in the name by Nintendo StreetPass. Which was also a passive networking thing where your game console would communicate with passerbys
antranigv and n8chz joined the channel
capjamesg, do you have any simple cafe or coffeehouse websites that you particularly like?
<c​apjamesg#4492> Not really. A lot of coffee shops I know maintain their main presence on Instagram.
this one is decent, it has actual info in it other than the menu https://www.boxcarpizzapdx.com/ although weirdly no hours posted
<c​apjamesg#4492> https://zantespizza.com/
<c​apjamesg#4492> 🙃
nertzy joined the channel
wow ok these are pretty weak
capjamesg I presume you provided that example either satirically or as an appeal to late 1990s aesthetics
<c​apjamesg#4492> Satirically.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I don’t know any plain text sites 😦
<c​apjamesg#4492> And that’s how I would prefer the info.
"Try our Mobile Friendly Menu!" 😭 -> link to ezmenus .net
you would prefer no pretty latte art?
nertzy joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> No latte art.
<c​apjamesg#4492> Just text.
Oh this one was ok too, but having to use the little hamburger to get to the nav is annoying on a phone https://www.paydirtbar.com/
but it has the menu and hours
Does it have to be a "real" website? Jules Forrest has some great experiments on codepen
aaropnk, hours, location (address that links to a map UI or map embed w/o cookies), nearest bus/tram/rail stop, contact info (including a note about catering if that's an option), links to social media, links to restaurant review sites/aggregators (e.g. venue permalink on Google Maps, TripAdvisor, Foursquare, Swarm), menu with item name description price optional-thumbnail
also zero JS/cookies so you don't need a cookie banner anywhere
[chrisbergr] will take the technical talk to #indieweb-dev, however both of those mock examples cut-off text on reasonably "normal" browser windows, and the first shows no images (when you browse with an add-on like NOSCRIPT)
[kimberlyhirsh], [davidmead] and ren joined the channel
<B​inaryDigit#0101> I'm struggling with the idea on how to build a brand without social media nowadays. I've closed many socials then opened them up again. I feel like a single page site is great for my professional name (which I don't use much online), but not as a hobbyist streamer or someone who would like to earn some side income and needs to network online 🥲 it's frustrating. Then again, it's not like my social media habits are goo
geoffo, btrem, ExpertPlus[m], PobodysNerfect and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
Hey [snarfed] fun to see you on Blusky too. Is Bluesky to ActiityPub bridges part of what you are building?
[timothy_chambe] yes! first IndieWeb to/from AT Proto, then maybe to/from AP
(notably, to/from ATP via its upcoming federation, not just POSSE/backfeed to separate Bluesky accounts like its API allows now)
Very cool. Like to write about your work in my next Twitter Migration report, likely out in June.
well that post about Mastodon account migration and post migration next steps blew up more than expected. apparently a subject people care about a lot!
sebbu joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Link?
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] One of the pretty neat innovations from #Mastodon has been actual, functional, and fairly reliable (from all accounts I’ve seen) distributed system account migration, with the notable exception of post migration, which has additional challenges wor...
[tantek] I was going to ask about the migration that you mentioned in your post. Are you saying that some way you used the Mastodon migration to migrate your followers to your BridyFed ActivityPub enabled website? I have used the migration to move from one Mastodon instance to another.
Yes I believe that's what worked and a redirect was setup. Though oddly the redirect is no longer working? I just tried https://xoxo.zone/@t in a new private browsing window and it didn't redirect. Hmmm.
Maybe I'm misremembering, or maybe the migration was partial?