#indieweb 2023-04-24

2023-04-24 UTC
bret joined the channel
I am just curious as to how the followers and following actually move to your website. Would that be BridgyFed pulling in the users? How would it know what to do? But if it works it would get me one step closer to getting rid of my mastodon.social account. I don’t like the mastodon rss feed. I like the mastodon app or online view better.
geoffo, bret and gRegor joined the channel
It doesn't redirect in the browser, it moves the AP subscription
So people following the xoxo account ended up following the tantek.com one
[KevinMarks] except I still somehow have 26 followers there?
It's AP, it may have lost some messages somewhere
[snarfed] I may have spoken too soon, I'll try to file an issue with the remaining weirdnesses I'm seeing on my XOXO account since initiating the migration
to BridgyFed
I may have followed you there after the migration
Some followers may be left behind due to their software not supporting such a move or missing the notification activity (due to down|dead instance or whatever)
makes sense. I think it may have been relatively new at the time, and possibly not every follower's software was updated
not an expert but afair it was mostly Mastodon pushing this feature in the first place
also technically I think the half dozen accounts I was following on XOXO which are still there as followings should have been transferred to BridgyFed, though this was before a lot of the following improvements there
good thing that it's noted in the old profile 🀷 I mean everyone who cares will eventually find out
yeah after the migration I was still able to log in to the old profile and edit it, write a post, so that was interesting. many things were "turned off" but a few basics remained
that's way better than the frequently not found RSS feed because Indieweb citizens love to change their website structure like underwear always forgetting to redirect the old feed address 😩
[Jo] joined the channel
as it is with side files
ren, btrem, baudouin and rollniak joined the channel
Irony of saying that on medium tho
[preview] [Anil Dash] @maegul Domains are a wonderful thing.
n8chz, PobodysNerfect_, btrem, motheki, PobodysNerfect, geoffo and lanodan joined the channel
[tantek] thanks, feel free to add to https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/330 , I haven't really dug into migration and the Move activity much yet
[preview] [snarfed] #330 Add account migration (Move) support
unrelated, for anyone interested in Bluesky who doesn't have or want an account yet, users and posts are public via the API, you can check them out in https://blue.amazingca.dev/ and other similar third party tools on https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto-ecosystem
bterry joined the channel
thanks [snarfed] I will try to capture my experience / notes there
before I start posting venues/reviews on yet another site (happycow.net) I need to figure out my venue posting/page (URL design) and reviews posting then POSSE flow
[schmarty], btrem, ehmry and gRegor joined the channel
capjamesg, you may appreciate my most recent 100daysofindieweb post πŸ™‚
[tantek] Great post! I would only suggest that your iconography must necessarily distinguish between vegan and vegetarian.
Both examples are not vegan but you say "🌱 vegan & gluten-free"
This makes it a bit difficult to read the icons.
just the plant icon by itself yes
That's a deliberate design
All the other icons are warnings as modifiers, some of which make things not vegan
need to add 🌱🐷 when the only non-vegan thing is the oil it's fried in πŸ˜‚
Not strictly vegan anyway. I've met many folks who are vegan-ish so those icons let them decide if they're willing to tolerate those additions or not
Or the πŸ“ broth
a surprising number of places cook their fries in animal fat 😞
aaronpk I feel like such places are decidedly vegan unfriendly and should be tagged as such
I mean vegan & veggie unfriendly, to be clear
[Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
afaik they verified that one out of band 😁
well, "verified"
vegan with the warning gluten is still vegan. but vegan with the warning cheese is not. I see vegan and vegetarian as complete different things, not on a ladder from 100% vegan on top to pork at the bottom... πŸ™‚
this is why i like the term "plant based" which is I assume what tantek is getting at with that 🌱 icon
there is much less ambiguity as to what "plant-based" means than "vegan"
ah.. That is a better wording, imo
bsky feels like it's a just the point where spoof accounts will appear soon
[KevinMarks] they definitely have! and they're ok with that. their plans for managing that and related issues are a combination of https://blueskyweb.xyz/blog/3-6-2023-domain-names-as-handles-in-bluesky and https://blueskyweb.xyz/blog/4-13-2023-moderation
oh, bluesky actually has someting I can read
btrem joined the channel
looks like someone impersonating the infinite screaming account