#indieweb 2023-04-28

2023-04-28 UTC
bterry1, miriam, mretka, gRegor and jose_ joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Hello everyone!
[bneil] joined the channel
morning/night all
gerben, jgee118692253458, ludovicchabant, chenghiz_, timdream, btrem, [jamietanna], [Murray], n8chz, [0x3b0b], benpate[m], geoffo and bterry joined the channel
someone made a social graph tool for bluesky https://bsky.jazco.dev/
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
someone ignored me on this graph tool ^^
bterry, btrem, geoffo, BinaryDigit[m] and ShoesNSocks joined the channel
What is the preferred method of joining the indieweb chats here? I tried discord which worked fine, but it's hard to read test since I feel like everyone is using different protocols. Is IRC preffered? Slack? Matrix?
[campegg] joined the channel
BinaryDigit[m] I don’t think there’s any one ‘preferred’ method, but FWIW, I’ve used IRC in the past and am currently using Slack and both of those have worked pretty well for me
Slack just happens to be easier because I have it open for work all day anyway
It's a matter of individual taste. I use Slack and have no problems reading.
Good idea, I do use Slack for work, so maybe I'll keep it in there :) be back again!
[BinaryDigit] joined the channel
perfect 🙂
geoffo joined the channel
[BinaryDigit] Welcome back 🙂
thank you!
timdream and gRegor joined the channel
re: social graph tool for bluesky, hey we need an update of IndieMap too!
jose_ joined the channel
oh hey, i've installed the indieweb plugins and i see my likes/comments from mastodon on my blog! i love this
that's awesome. Could you post a link to the site? I'm looking to do something like this soon
which site? my blog or the indieweb plugin I used? (I'm on Wordpress)
the blog. I'm using 11ty, so I'm not sure if the plugin will help, but I'm looking for ideas on how to implement similar behavior on my site.
Here's my blogpost where the likes and comments show from mastodon! https://binarydigit.cafe/crocs/ I think they are webmentions - correct me if i'm wrong
[preview] [BinaryDigit] They are ugly, yet cute. Horrendous, yet the most comfortable sandals I’ve ever had. I told myself I’d embrace color in my wardrobe and why not go overboard 😂 It’s been the perfect weather to wear them (40s-50s) so time to embrace my inner w... https://binarydigit.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/crocs.png
that's really nice. that's exactly the sort of thing I think I'm going to implement.
the shoes are a disaster though, hahaha
[preview] [snarfed] #7 New crawl
timdream joined the channel
[BinaryDigit]++ amazing and looks great (your post with the comments/likes coming from Mastodon) also and likely a WP Plugin from [pfefferle]++
[BinaryDigit] has 1 karma over the last year
[pfefferle] has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (32 in all channels)
Thank you! yes it is! the webmentions plugin for WP. and I know, the shoes are so fantastically ugly 😂
It's nice to be in the same chat as so many talented developers 🌠
jarenado, gRegorLove_, DavidAKennedy and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
Congratulations [BinaryDigit] on your webmentions!
DavidAKennedy and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel