Seirdy_everyone told them that shipping in any capacity without basic safety features was worse than shipping nothing. I guess that the privileged ones calling the shots with no experience of being targeted like this thought they knew better.
Seirdy_that plus the fact that they get a license to use everything you post as they see fit (probably LLMs and whatnot), and this is clearly just...bad. I don't think it's worth giving it any good publicity at this point.
Seirdy_Success is not something a new social media platform deserves by default; it's a privilege contingent on taking the appropriate amount of responsibility for the power it holds.
[tantek]I think this demonstrates the problem with prioritizing a bunch of brand new technical plumbing for marginal benefit (DIDs for total identity ownership!) over human social safety (blocking as a UI feature from day 1).
[tantek]on a different subject, I really need to get a venue markup & page design figured out, and start syndicating to HappyCow because they have many fewer listings in my area than I know there are vegan/veggie (friendly) places
bret, gerben, n8chz, mretka, btrem, PobodysNerfect, gRegor, IWSlackGateway, oodani, [KevinMarks], [KevinMarks]1, jan61, gerben_, asarandi2, Kaja_, wagle_, [TMichelleMoore], plantroon, [tantek], gxt__, n8chz1, geoffo, [snarfed] and [snarfed]1 joined the channel
ludovicchabanthey here, I'm using mf2py to parse my website, and I see that if I write an `alt` description for an image, it gets included in the post's `name`