#indieweb 2023-04-30

2023-04-30 UTC
ren, IWSlackGateway, gRegor, gxt__, PobodysNerfect, [marksuth], btrem, geoffo, jonnybarnes, sebbu2, [jeremycherfas], bterry, sandworm7145, bozo, [schmarty], Loqi and Bitweasil joined the channel
I love the design of this site: https://www.stevegattuso.me/
ren, geoffo, [BinaryDigit], btrem, jeremycherfas, [Jo], [snarfed], n8chz, gRegor, [chrisbergr], [TMichelleMoore], PobodysNerfect and [aciccarello] joined the channel; anthmn[m] left the channel
bret and timdream joined the channel