#indieweb 2023-05-15

2023-05-15 UTC
PobodysNerfect, Soni, geoffo, eitilt, gxt__, pharonix71, [tantek], jeremy, asarandi and jmac joined the channel
r similar minded people, see invitations, but how do you foresee the known large social media issue not to manifest and kill it like it did basically anything?
to all the bsky enthusiasts, I have a question/gentle request: please write a piece on why do you think it matters. I keep hearing "it's like old twitter" - that means nothing to those who weren't there. I have an account from 2009 and I have zero idea what people mean when they say this. According to numbers it's about the size of a medium-large mastodon instance, and at that point it's not that hard to make it work or even make it fo
[campegg] Did you take this photo: https://campegg.com/photos/20160102125401
petermolnar I don't post much on Bluesky but I like my feed. My feed is delightfully random.
I just scrolled and saw: someone commenting on how many AI tools are coming out, someone saying good night, a message on online safety, a photo of clouds, someone making a spreadsheet list of trust + safety in end-to-end encrypted environments papers.
sounds like the local or federated timeline of an average Mastodon server 🤷
or the new feed on HN
without the good night part
antranigv_ and libretown joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
It's like twitter in 2007 or Mastodon in 2017 - the feeling of being in the early days of a better social web, where the trolls haven't taken over, it hasn't been enshittified and there is still some kind of shared culture. This is partly an illusion of it still being small and invite only, partly the hope of keeping that culture, earnestly expressed by the queer, trans, black and activist folk who make up a big chunk of the userbase
and the frequent posters.
Can you block users yet? Moderation is the core feature of a social network, without it it's only a matter of time before it enshittifies
yes, they have blocks and mutes, and shared mute lists. The issue now is actual banning of nazi entryists
petermolnar joined the channel
petermolnar has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
[snarfed] joined the channel
[preview] [Ryan Barrett] One core difference between the fediverse and the AT Protocol seems to be that AT decouples many key building blocks – identity, moderation, ranking algorithms, even your own data to some degree – from your server. The fediverse, on the other han...
notably, I think the true account portability that Bluesky allows is a huge advance that no other social network currently has, including the fediverse
and is very in line with the indieweb in spirit
account portability? are there any other bluesky instances?
Yes, eg stems.social. federation isn't on yet, but it's coming soon
so practically fediverse is matrix, AT is XMPP, got it.
[snarfed], petermolnar: would you mind moving this conversation (federation, XMPP) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
not sure what the point of this channel is when even mentioning tech redirects you to -dev
heh, I've been asking that for a while rubenwardy
geoffo and antranigv joined the channel
rubenwardy, the point of this channel is actually using your indieweb site (and why, how, etc), not being distracted by plumbing, especially chat about other people's plumbing https://indieweb.org/discuss#indieweb
Not really talking about the plumbing though, talking about federation and the state of bluesky
Maybe the request was preemptive as it could have ended in that direction
Loqi__ joined the channel
talking tech = talking plumbing
"federation" is plumbing. For example, people who use email and phones and are not technical don't talk about how they're both "federated."
People do talk about phone number portability though, and this account portability is a sensible user feature to discuss (who supports / doesn't support, problems encountered)
and thus*
[Murray], btrem, jose_, jarenado, gRegor and KMF joined the channel
It would be interesting to see some infographics on how tech talk slowly slips into non tech talk. The internet was tech talk at one point.
jonnybarnes and [capjamesg] joined the channel
joshproehl and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
petermolnar++ for saying out loud what everyone was thinking all along but were too afraid to ask.
petermolnar has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
Similarly, Facebook also had a point were only the most entrepreneur, the most adventurous, most "interesting" people inhabited it and while it was not seen valuable to the eyes of abusers.
And also: you don't solve social problems with technical measure, neither can you sell a product well using only its technical specification or via obscure internal details that don't matter much to 99.9% of people anyway.
Better Fediverse servers already had server-assisted account migration support of good actors since decades (Friendica, Hubzilla, maybe others). Adding account migration support for bad actors who don't cooperate with servers (or at least people considered at least edgy by quite a proportion of the local community) is indeed an innovation, but begs the question whether it will change the world for the better or the worse.
<c​apjamesg#4492> ++ re selling a product based on a technical spec. That’s an important lesson.
<c​apjamesg#4492> With that said, I’d be curious why people are signing up to BlueSky. What is bringing prominent politicians to the platform, journalists (who aren’t writing about BlueSky as a trend), entrepreneurs?
bkil interesting, Friendica and Hubzilla have been able to migrate your account, followers, and posts to a new instance for decades?! that's news to me
more importantly though, that kind of migration is only part of the story. the biggest part is *identity* portability. fediverse identity is user@domain, so you can migrate to user@domain2, but that changes your identity
whereas Bluesky's approach preserves your identity
(and also works even if your server goes offline or rogue, but that's a different point)
[snarfed]: No, not everything, because there was no demand for it, only your identity and contacts. But we could probably make that happen "somewhat" up to reason. It will never work as good as a torrent-based system, but then the I find demand for such is pretty low. Do many request this in your circles?
definitely. people use Mastodon's account migration a ton, even though it's partial and weak and doesn't preserve identity
I mean, identity as migrating over your following and updating all your followers automatically. You will surely have to update your domain on your business card or on your personal website and wherever you type it manually. Then again, having your unique, portable identity written on your business card as a 80 character hex string isn't going to win you much business...
(and then yes they also complain that other people get their current and previous identities mixed up)
I don't use Mastodon other than for light testing. Is Mastodon's account migration up to the capability of Friendica by today?
right, that's data and social graph, not identity. and your bluesky is a handle, eg usually a domain right now, not a hex string, and it's also preserved across server migrations
sounds like Mastodon does the same thing as Friendica. and also separately can export/import posts. both are awkward and not the most reliable, but they can work
Bluesky decouples many things from your current server, beyond just identity; that's a key philosophy difference between it and the fediverse. https://snarfed.org/2023-05-04_50157
[preview] [Ryan Barrett] One core difference between the fediverse and the AT Protocol seems to be that AT decouples many key building blocks – identity, moderation, ranking algorithms, even your own data to some degree – from your server. The fediverse, on the other han...
Ben's interpretation of this as American vs European is interesting: https://werd.io/2023/the-fediverse-and-the-at-protocol
Would be. Unfortunately, I've chosen to ignore BS and any links related to it for the next couple of years. I've been monitoring similar efforts from the last few decades and keep them in a spreadsheet and save myself a ton of time that I don't have to dig deeper about ones that eventually go defunct.
Indieweb is closer to Bluesky on that axis. we push on both domains and data export as ways to loosely couple and be less dependent on our current web hosts. and we value our individual sovereignty over moderating webmentions on our sites, individual control over our readers, etc
interesting! but it sounds like you also choose to learn about and maybe invest in some efforts, eg fediverse?
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
<[snarfed]> "Indieweb is closer to Bluesky on..." <- Hey [snarfed] - is there a standard format form import/export? It seems like that would be the starting point. I’d *love* to implement that if I knew where to begin.
We have the blog archive format for archiving blog posts.
> <@[snarfed]:libera.chat> Indieweb is closer to Bluesky on that axis. we push on both domains and data export as ways to loosely couple and be less dependent on our current web hosts. and we value our individual sovereignty over moderating webmentions on our sites, individual control over our readers, etc
* Hey [snarfed] - is there a standard format for import/export -ing website data? It seems like that would be the starting point. I’d love to implement that if I knew where to begin.
benpate[m]: I don't mean to be a bother, but implement seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
What is BAF?
blog archive format is a data format proposed by Manton Reece for the export of a blog, based on a zip file and top level HTML h-feed inside, that is supported by micro.blog https://indieweb.org/BAF
citations needed for "already had server-assisted account migration support of good actors since decades (Friendica, Hubzilla, maybe others)"
Brilliant! Thanks guys 😎 Loqi giveth and Loqi taketh away.
post migration (including redirects from origin) is still missing pretty much everywhere
geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] that's a flawed comparison because it claims to be talking about protocols but is actually talking about products (which I agree Mastodon vs Blueksy were Europe developed vs US developed)
will take protocol-talk to #indieweb-dev
btrem, shreyasminocha, jarkad, n8chz, jarenado, jeremy, geoffo, bret and ankaph joined the channel
[snarfed]: Yes, I had learned about The Fediverse a few years after inception and kept it on the list until it became about 10 years old and only then did I put more effort into it. Call me 10 years after Bluesky had been publicly released. 😉 At the same time, I already have literally dozens of social networking projects that are similarly advertised as being "P2P" (however one defines it) and these usually just come & go. The idea itself goes way back before
The Fediverse, with some prototypes going back into the 90s. The better known earlier ones are maybe RetroShare and Freenet from 2000.
can't help but notice that bkil showed up here almost exactly 10 years after the community was created 🤔 coincidence?
Might I suggest creating a separate channel dedicated to Bluesky even? It would really help in clearing my log.
you are in no way obligated to read every message in this channel. declaring channel bankruptcy or just dipping in and out of conversations is completely acceptable.
aaronpk: Oh, I see what you did there 😉 Yeah, actually I have been lurking around and referring to the indieweb wiki for quite a few years now (maybe it had been indeed a decade?)
bterry joined the channel