#indieweb 2023-05-16

2023-05-16 UTC
So you've been supporting xfn for 10 years then?
The OStatus stack supported 301 redirection for migration, but that does require cooperation from the site you're leaving.
Surely I'm "joking" with such a hard limit, but indeed I've seen too many getting burnt over the years by hopping onto the hype train of the given year (or month in the context of messengers!) and then losing face in front of their peers who they had eagerly dragged over. It feels like multi-level marketing, but even worse, as its advocates aren't limited by risking and losing all of their _money_ where they mouth is.
[Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
hypetrain has -1 karma over the last year
can definitely relate to that
tbh it was one of the motivations for why we started indieweb and the basis of many of the principles
KMF and geoffo joined the channel
definitely! bkil++. requiring something like 10y longevity up front is a big bar, but I definitely get the idea too
that's a bit steep. eat what you cook is a more reasonable filter IMO
[manton], ankaph, epoch, [jeremycherfas] and gRegor joined the channel
Retroshare has nothing to do with fediverse, but indeed it's nearly 20 years old. You're thinking of GNUSocial.
And given how the protocols changed it's quite a stretch to call the fediverse even a decade old, even if there's a continuation.
To be honest, neither of them (activitystreams or bsky) should be the buzz topic for indieweb, but sadly the initiatives to support indieweb protocols were shifted to support AS - and thus, fediverse - at many places due to the buzz, s I'm curious to see if they now shift to bsky, and keep going, never really releasing anything. (I'm looking at Wordpress, Tumblr, etc)
m2m, angelo_, [marksuth] and bterry joined the channel
petermolnar: The birthday of The Fediverse is 2008-07-02 (please add it to your calendar!) over the federation protocol called "OpenMicroBlogging". This was the date of the first running public deployment of the FOSS Laconica (to later become StatusNet and GNU Social over the years) also powering identi.ca, being federated by outside parties within 1 day of release. The second wave was started around 2010 by Diaspora and Friendica by the time millions of users
joined the network and as more and more interoperable and alternative servers and protocols started to develop openly and iteratively within the community (unlike BS). https://decafbad.com/blog/2008/07/03/getting-laconica-up-and-running/ http://scripting.com/stories/2008/07/03/federatingIdentica.html https://web.archive.org/web/20080829104401/openmicroblogging.org/
btrem joined the channel
I don't have the birth of FidoNet in my calendar either.
m2m joined the channel
The Indieweb seems like a logical continuation to The Fediverse to the edge. I.e., implementing the same thing in a more "artisan" and exploratory fashion. FidoNet was more about private communication and forums - it is not the same use case that we have with public publishing by individuals and retaining a permalink to it.
I'd probably group FidoNet to the same category where NNTP, mailing lists, XMPP MUC and Matrix rooms cat be placed.
[capjamesg] and [Murray] joined the channel
Interesting, when you copy/paste from the iOS Notes app into a txt message (which requires turning into plain text), it copies linked URLs as:
which yes is a bit redundant, however, they have clearly made a deliberate microsyntax decision, which, big surprise, is NOT Markdown link syntax (because that syntax is noisy crap as previously noted)
Yes, just copied link text "IndieWeb" from my home page and pasted it into MacOS Notes app and it stayed linked (to http://indieweb.org), then copied that on iOS from Notes into a txt message and it expanded it in plain text to:
seems like they should have special-cased when the linked text and link are the same and not duplicated it
that's bug in the Messages app IMO
angelo joined the channel
[tantek]: Note that [IndieWeb] (https://indieweb.org/) and [IndieWeb](https://indieweb.org/) are almost the same syntax as above. Except without delimiters around the anchor text, a parser would have no chance to find _what_ the link refers to, hence the most conservative estimate would be to link the URL to the preceding word and that is less than optimal.
that very example demonstrates that linking to the preceding word can work just fine, and the brackets look like unnecessary noise
a person reading the message in the Messages app is not a "parser" and there's no reason to use structured markup for it
hey bkil aaronpk, we try to keep dev talk (parser, markup) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
haha i had a feeling that would trigger that
"almost the same" is a path to compromising into mediocrity or worse
worrying about computers having "no chance to find _what_ the link refers to" is less important than human readability, even *pleasant* readability / skimmability
bkil, the addition of even *one* additional punctuation character is disruptive enough to reading experiences that it is a high cost to consider
we literally went through this discussion several weeks ago with footnote syntaxes, and multiple people (all developers, mind you, who have no problems with random punctuation syntax in their code) complained about the interruption in reading from a single punctuation character "^"
to put it another way, every character of extraneous (to humans) punctuation that you can remove is a big benefit to plain text readability
geoffo and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
I opted against "^" and I opt against "[]". The person reading should be disturbed with as few non-letters as possible. IndieWeb (https://indieweb.org/) looks great! I'm talking about the output, how ever you write this content is absolutely nonrelevant for the reader.
m2m joined the channel
A columnist from The Guardian on Bluesky: So far, everything important about Bluesky is purely cultural. It’s a hip app with strong network effects among cool former Twitter users. But the service itself has bolder ambitions: it was, as I said, built to be a decentralised replacement for Twitter, and those goals still exist.
(everything after the first colon is a direct quote.
n8chz joined the channel
Just so you handle all news items in place, I used to work for a few big companies in the past and they all had marketing arrangements that allowed them to publish content within reputable international news platforms & papers in a pseudorandom order (i.e., not copy & pasted among each other or repeatedly using the same one) in the form of reviews, tests, interviews, tech overview, stats, user submissions or seemingly organic daily news that all sound less like PR
articles and more like normal news items you read in the given paper. Surely this needs a lot of money, but this is a major source of keeping up the buzz. We also always had what we called "community managers" who infiltrated the biggest platforms with multiple accounts on multiple personalities, gained followers and participated in as many conversation as possible. In the case of such social app, rest assured that the most interesting looking or most hyped
accounts on BS are probably payed ones as well. Normal people just produce less palatable content by themselves and usually give up after a while so they are less reliable than professionals.
geoffo joined the channel
[chrisbergr] +1 to 'opted against "^" and I opt against "[]". The person reading should be disturbed with as few non-letters as possible.'
I mildly disagree with "how ever you write this content is absolutely nonrelevant for the reader" because your future self how may be editing the source material is also a reader
*who may be editing
[Caleb_Hearth] joined the channel
Heresy incoming: I’m beginning to prefer drafting in wysiwyg editors over plaintext/markdown.
turns in developer card
nothing wrong with that!
Oh that's a good point! I use markdown very little, so everytime I need to change some of my old content I need some extra time to get into it.
*the point that the editor is also a reader by tantek
100% this: "everytime I need to change some of my old content I need some extra time to get into it"
THAT is why Markdown--
Markdown has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (0 in all channels)
if a "plaintext" format requires you "extra time to get into it", it's the format that's a problem, not you
Finally someone who understands me! 🙂
Funfact: I still know most of the bb-code I ever used
Markdown << Criticism: if you need "extra time to get into it" when going back to editing something supposedly plaintext-based, it's a problem with the format, not you. https://chat.indieweb.org/2023-05-16/1684271388822300
ok, I added "Criticism: if you need "extra time to get into it" when going back to editing something supposedly plaintext-based, it's a problem with the format, not you. https://chat.indieweb.org/2023-05-16/1684271388822300" to the "See Also" section of /markdown https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=87835&oldid=87831
markdown has 0 karma in this channel over the last year (1 in all channels)
Tantek, come on :D
I feel like we have been in this situation before.
capjamesg, come on — why increase karma without a reason? I even recorded a documented criticism for it
karma-fighting like that without providing a reason is not really productive in any way
markdown++ because nobody has come up with a substitute with at least equivalent capabilities
markdown has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
and no we have not been in this situation before, because that "extra time" criticism is new (to the page)
[Caleb_Hearth] Draft in the editor you like best!
bkil, why are you ++ing the status quo? that also seems pretty useless
I mean I think we have done the ++/-- thing after exchanging a reason.
By the way, I dislike how there complicated it is to parse, rather would see a "gemini 2.0" for my needs, but just wanted to add a reason for balancing this.
capjamesg, there was no exchange. I provided a reason, you provided none.
Yeah, I missed the reason this time.
But we should move this discussion back to #indieweb-dev I think
I mean it's not useful to karma as if you're rooting for a sports team
yes, if you want to talk about "parse", please do go chat about that in #indieweb-dev and I were having
friendly reminder bkil [tantek], we try to keep dev talk (parse) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
we were talking about authoring usability and friendliness
bkil: I don't know LaTeX in action, but I know Textile and that is pretty close imo
I'm the minority, I prefer a ^ compared to a full URL in my text, brackets or not. I use footnotes to store the URLs, especially because URLs can get long, and I'm happy with it.
[schmarty] joined the channel
I adopt a gemini-inspired formatting to post every link on its own line and right after the sentence or short paragraph that references it.
No need for footnotes in this case, and this also allows for including a highlight cite or preview next to the link so people know what they would get before clicking on it.
petermolnar I did not meant to be agains listing all the URLs in a footnote, the point was to get rid of the "^" in "linktext^1". Just write "1" in supertext
And also this was ment only for the output on e.g. a webseite, rendered in html
[chrisbergr] you gave me another good idea. my auto-footnote-linker should also look for unicode superscript numbers in the source "plain" text as suffixes and auto-link them to lines starting with the same unicode superscript number, so if you can use such numbers directly, you can avoid "^" even in authoring
and still get the nice auto-link from reference to expansion and back to reference behavior in the output
Uh, but the editor (person) needs to know how to write sup numbers in plaintext.. That is possible with some wild key combinations I guess?
right, or maybe it's something you program your function keys for for example
Okay, that would be easier (for people like me)
same tbh
gRegor, geoffo and btrem joined the channel