#indieweb 2023-05-23
2023-05-23 UTC
antranigv, [jacky], KMF, geoffo and gerben joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
angelo joined the channel
bterry, PobodysNerfect and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
rrix, jonnybarnes, sebbu2, jjuran, ren, IWSlackGateway, gRegor, ahappydeath, bterry1 and opticfib3r joined the channel; opticfib3r left the channel
pharalia, bterry1, khoi and [tantek] joined the channel
Loqi__ and [schmarty] joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
ren, paulgrmn, shreyasminocha, capjamesg, alecjonathon, toastal, eb, sm2n, vikanezrimaya, victorneo, ancarda, darylsun, srushe, [KevinMarks] and geoffo joined the channel
timdream joined the channel
bterry1, n8chz, [benatwork] and geoffo joined the channel