#indieweb 2023-05-30

2023-05-30 UTC
<b​enpate#1129> [KevinMarks]: Thank you! Im reading up on it now. My first impression is that there’s some interest, but a spec hasn’t been fully developed. Is that true?
<b​enpate#1129> “This is a nascent area on the indieweb.”
Xe joined the channel
does anyone have a personal bibliography of the books they've written? or discography, filmography, etc.? TIL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibliography#Non-book_material
thinking of things that make sense on their own pages separate from /appearances
[KevinMarks] I'm now convinced that your list of "Recent Publications" could go in a personal bibliography page, like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._S._Lewis_bibliography (note: " This is a list of writings by C. S. Lewis.") — and as such is distinct from (and doesn't belong in) /appearances
I'm also convinced that presentations/talks given, invited keynotes at conferences, and even conferences organized belong in their own "events" summary / pages, not "appearances". Now if it was a conference talk where you yourself were the subject, e.g. you were being interviewed, that would count as an appearance.
I guess that's the difference, are you the subject or are you the speaker? If you're the subject, then it's an appearance, if you're the speaker/writer, then it's a primary work and belongs on a different page
rvalue, bterry, IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], angelo, [jacky] and gxt__ joined the channel
So where would being on a panel go?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[tantek] @snarewhat do you think is
[tantek] [snarfed] what do you think is good length to check, so that an URL is usable as @-@ identifier? do you have a check for that [snarfed] or do you simply always use the full host?
I am thinking about an "algorithm" to find the best possible default name, starting with 1. host, 2. blog-title, 3. default string.
gRegorLove_, ahappydeath, antranigv_ and [snarfed] joined the channel
hmm! I don't have any length checks yet
I like the consistency of always using the domain, I wouldn't want to have to explain to users that their handle might be based on domain, or title, or something else
jonnybarnes joined the channel
it's mainly because of the integration into http://WP.com ... on the free hosting it would be mailto:pfefferle.wordpress.com@pfefferle.wordpress.com 😞
why not use wp.com for the domain then 😮
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 1 day, 10 hours ago: re: 'wonder if i should go through my "press" tag and add it to the "appearances" page': see braindump of some possible considerations: https://indieweb.org/appearances#How_to_organize — definitely curious which of those you think matter to your own presentation of appearances to your readers and which don't
ah yeah http://wordpress.com domains are longer
Yes http://wp.com should work with redirects
alternatively if you could get http://wordpress.com to serve webfinger, then @pfefferle@wordpress.com would be great, but that might be difficult
@kevinmarks refresh /appearance, added panel last night
n8chz, IWSlackGateway, gRegorLove_ and [tantek] joined the channel
I like /speaking [pfefferle] — that makes sense to me to capture/list talks, panels, etc.
[KevinMarks] I think a /speaking page like [pfefferle] has makes sense for being on a panel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I fear to make it even more complicated, if the fediverse identifier does not match the domain/host at all.
[tantek] [aaronpk] I thought about making all appearances a custom post type, so that I will be able to have every appearance as a single post and /speaking, /podcast, /portfolio, /... are the archive pages
gRegorLove_ and PobodysNerfect joined the channel
Interesting. I think it appearances as a special sort of bookmark since the content is on someone else’s site
jonnybarnes joined the channel
think of* “appearances” as
Though in the case of appearing in print media, I could see an “appearance” post type that included digital photos of said media
[Murray], [manton], geoffo, [tantek]1, Dystopia and romangeeko joined the channel
[jacky], geoffo and [Caleb_Hearth] joined the channel
If it’s purely external posts.
gRegor joined the channel
[Caleb_Hearth] haven't seen people use /elsewhere for that, and we do have an existing usage pattern of Elsewhere to mean "my profiles on other sites" in particular
what is elsewhere
elsewhere is a common IndieWeb building block, both on homepages for linking to other aspects of your identity elsewhere, and on posts for linking to copies of your posts elsewhere https://indieweb.org/elsewhere
what is links
🔖 A bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indieweb.org/links
what is linktree
Linktree is a link in bio service for publishing a flat list of links at a short vanity path (like Twitter and other social media silos) for what appears to be for the sole purpose of seeming to provide multiple links from social media profiles like Instagram which only allow one clickable link in your profile https://indieweb.org/Linktree
I use /links for that, but makes sense.
I have such a "links" page but in a very "old school" personal website sort of way, it meant/means "links to other interesting/useful stuff on the web" that I've taken time to curate & categorize, and gave it the name "exit" or rather the page itself is "exits" because it's literally a list of interesting exits from my website (and as you can tell if you find the page, at the time I was seeing a lot of web stuff through a Matrix (the
movie) lens)
it has nothing to do with "appearances"
angelo and [schmarty] joined the channel
I have "elsewhere" as a big homepage section for all the rel=me links https://martymcgui.re/