aaronpkownyourgram is dead, so now my motivation for posting photos on her instagram account has gone down significantly since there's no longer an automatic import to her website
benpate[m]I made a proof of concept photo gallery for emissary.social. It’s not perfect yet but I’d love to work with you to make it an IndieWeb Instagram.
[schmarty]I have a little Instagram-inspired collection at http://mmg.re/photos/ that shows a square tile for any recent posts with photos attached. I rarely post only photos so that's just check-in posts of late.
benpate[m]<Allie> "benpate: i think you'd be..." <- Yep, I understand. The idea is that it works on the IndieWeb *and* ActivityPub. I could probably work out a way to turn off ActivityPub, if that’s valuable.
benpate[m]The biggest issue is that it’s still undercooked, and there’s plenty of mature apps out there. But if you’re looking for something more DIY, let me know 😀
Alliecapjamesg: not really. there's a place on the internet that i put words occasionally, mostly recipes/etc, but i don't keep a structured personal presence on the internet