#indieweb 2023-09-01

2023-09-01 UTC
ren, j12t, btrem and j12t_ joined the channel
people have started to dig into Threads privacy policy and what it says about what they collect via federation: https://mastodon.online/@mastodonmigration/110979172752088493
[preview] [Mastodon Migration] Threads now has a Supplemental Privacy Policy (https://help.instagram.com/515230437301944) regarding "Third Party Services" like Mastodon. Should Threads interconnect with Mastodon via #ActivityPub, this addresses what they will do with our data.Note... https://files.mastodon.online/media_attachments/files/110/979/141/271/474/221/original/b780005e0e5e1683.png
loo joined the channel
lqdev, j12t, j12t_, [schmarty]1, [snarfed]1, boxframes_, [tantek]1, IWSlackGateway1, IWSlackGateway, [tantek]2, bret_, lojik2, jonnybarnes_, fury999i-, sp1ff`, gerben_, rubywarden, gxt, Nuve-, [pfefferle], AramZS, [aciccarello], btrem, Nuve, bterry1, [tantek], duncanbeevers, [KevinMarks] and mretka joined the channel