#indieweb 2023-08-31

2023-08-31 UTC
[tantek]: I feel appropriately prompted.
GWG -> #indieweb-meta 😄
gerben and Nuve joined the channel
(Moving from #indieweb-chat:)
> I can't reference where I said I'd make some notes about what I can look into doing in the spirit of this project the other day since this channel purposefully doesn't have logs enabled, but I've managed to write those 'some notes' down now: https://github.com/RandomDSdevel/discussions/discussions/2
> If anybody has any further, more concrete thoughts on anything in there and/or what I could do with it/in that direction, please feel free to chime in.
geoffo joined the channel
Your own GitHub is a great place to collect such notes. Some of us also use our User: pages for things that may benefit from easy linking to other pages on the wiki or feel like sharing with the community
OK, got it.
dustinm`, geoffo, [jacky], ren-, mald0r0r, AramZS, j12t, j12t1, AramZS_ and AramZS__ joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "My Own Digital Garden On The Web Antonio Rodrigues included in English Personal 2023-08-30 315 words 2 minutes Contents I’ve been hearing and seeing some examples about Digital Gardens ..." https://antonio.is/2023/08/30/digital-garden/
j12t, j12t_, btrem, jmjl, [KevinMarks], gxt, rubenwardy and [Murray] joined the channel
^ my partner has been experimenting with Obsidian, and looking at the files it produces, I feel like it could be an interesting "back end" for a digital garden; just needs to be paired with a front end that understands Markdown. Anyone know of any projects doing anything like that?
j12t joined the channel
I have seen at least one but can't remember the name.
j12t, petermolnar and drakonic joined the channel
Hi everyone
Re: the Obsidian question, there's Logseq, which is a pretty similar note-taking programs
and it supports html export! I think.
roller joined the channel
Hello drakonic!
j12t joined the channel
Thanks drakonic, I'm not actually looking for an alternative (sorry if poorly worded), but because there are quite a few tools out there that can turn Markdown files into websites (stuff like Eleventy and Astro), and because Obsidian writes all notes to Markdown files, I wondered if anyone had done an "Obsidian as database/back end" set up.
Mostly out of a morbid sense of curiosity/to get rid of a brain worm idea 😄
j12t and j12t_ joined the channel
do they put any kind of header on the markdown? that's the usual thing with 11ty and Hugo etc
IWSlackGateway, j12t, roller and drakonic joined the channel
Ah, I see. I think I get what you mean now
there's no header in obsidian files
the title comes from the file name
and the rest is just content
*md files
Tags are done by hashtags
j12t and [benatwork] joined the channel
You _can_ have front matter in Obsidian md files, but it's not standard. https://help.obsidian.md/Editing+and+formatting/Properties
There is also a http://Micro.blog publishing plug-in for Obsidian. Because it uses Micropub, probably could be adapted for any site. https://github.com/otaviocc/obsidian-microblog
[manton], [schmarty], j12t, [KevinMarks] and [Murray] joined the channel
Oh wow, very cool, I was literally chatting with someone earlier about Obsidian and Micropub. Thanks for all the info y'all
btrem, sp1ff, Nuve, fury999io, [tantek], j12t, Saloframes and j12t_ joined the channel
what is front matter
frontmatter is a common way to include metadata in plain text https://indieweb.org/front_matter
^ worth adding to that accordingly? it doesn't mention Obsidian currently [benatwork] [manton]
I’ll add something
j12t joined the channel
The next FediForum is coming up on Sept 20 and 21, "the unconference for the people who move the fediverse forward". FYI, I figure some people here might be interested in joining us, would be nice to have some IndieWeb / WebMention etc sessions. https://fediforum.org/ -- the site also has session notes and videos from software demos. (Anybody have something interesting to demo? let me know.)
IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
j12t has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[tantek] joined the channel
j12t++ especially for the event permalinks at https://fediforum.org/2023-03/ and upcoming at https://fediforum.org/2023-09/ !
j12t has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
if you or someone else here who is participating ([benatwork] [snarfed]) want to add an entry on http://events.indieweb.org that links to https://fediforum.org/2023-09/ — that would be great!
let's get it into this week's newsletter!
Also anyone here that has some cool IndieWeb especially site-to-site or search etc. stuff to demo, I *highly* encourage you to add something to register and propose a topic/demo like those listed at https://fediforum.org/2023-09/topics/
fediforum has 1 karma over the last year
wow Twitter/X is now sending pw reset messages from info @ x . com (or it's a phishing message)
once twitter fully rebrands to X it will be completely dead to me
it's already about 70% dead to me
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
i have 2 people i still follow and will probably attempt to unfollow them soon. I’ll keep the account and RT for my employer, but that’s largely it. Maybe occasionally checking on trending topics
that's the thing it's not even a good place to check in on trending topics anymore
trending tabloid topics
interesting, they've started expiring some login cookies
hah when logged out if I check my profile my js;dr tweet/post is the second one listed on my "Posts" tab
hah yeah
I was reading that and trying to decide whether to add it to /social_media or /Instagram
to /why I'd say
the "So curated that you can't show what you're cooking for dinner, because that's not cool enough." at the beginning is important.
The trouble is that is becoming a generic feel with anything publicly share, including personal sites and blogs
it's more criticism of social media than a specific /why to post on your own site
agreed about the challenge of "generic feel with anything publicly share, including personal sites and blogs"
i mean yeah typically the trending section is still a dumpster fire, but it’s curious what i’m not missing out on
[dave], Nonsvch, j12t, j12t_, [KevinMarks], timdream, btrem, rvalue, asarandi, [jacky], [schmarty] and Nuve joined the channel