#indieweb 2023-09-19

2023-09-19 UTC
tyil, geoffo, joe and piusbird joined the channel
making progress on writing my first TPAC 2023 post. wrote the forward. yes it's an article post with a name/title. hopefully the structure of this first post will flow fairly directly & easily.
[tantek] has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
geoffo, tyil and Nuve joined the channel
[tantek] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (100 in all channels)
geoffo, angelo, btrem, jmac, AramZS, [pfefferle], [manton], [campegg], bterry, sinnach and Nonsvch joined the channel
[tantek] has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (101 in all channels)
Mastodon calls a repost a reblog.
Getting Tumblr vibes.
wait, what? where? historically it's been boost, and the UI still says boost now
yeah i never heard of any changes. but i use firefish
geoffo joined the channel
would it be worth it to do fediverse through my own website? or should i just POSSE to fedi? kinda like the former because sounds more fun, but worried abt how do i like, follow people exactly?
good question! if you want to get deep into it, you can follow people from your web site by making "follow" posts: https://indieweb.org/follow#How_to
those aren't widespread in the indieweb yet, but people definitely do them here and there. and Bridgy Fed happily translates them to following in the fediverse: https://fed.brid.gy/docs#follow
BF also has a follow UI though, which may be easier
mhm, bridgy fed seems nice. but i kinda like the idea of doing it all myself i think. just seems all so complex… but it’s learning. and learning is fun so :3
all true!
how you read fediverse posts on your own site is harder.
good point, that does take more work. BF exposes a feed for your following timeline. [aaronpk] how do you do fediverse reading?
[snarfed] It was on the Mastodon app.
It said I "reblogged" one of Evan's posts.
> BF exposes a feed for your following timeline. [aaronpk] how do you do fediverse reading?
Huh! TIL.
> how do you do fediverse reading?
I usually sub to the RSS feed and read it that way.
i subscribe to the feed that bridgy fed provides
alright, I think I'm going to change the /jargon page pre-emptively bc so many folks are using fedi in a user-relevant way
oh wow the discord bridge can look confusing in slack when 2 people use it because of how it all just appears as IWDiscord
What is jargon
jargon is a specific unobvious word, concept, or technology (like Webmention), re-use of a word to mean something other than its common meaning (like feed), or sometimes re-using a word as an acronym (like POSSE), or any abbreviation that requires developer knowledge or skills https://indieweb.org/jargon
ajr and pharalia joined the channel
[snarfed] I wonder what other services would benefit from a webmention a la the script I wrote yesterday for HN.
[capjamesg] reddit!
geoffo, bterry and amitp joined the channel
oh wow, some familiar names here
apparently aaronpk already took care removing fedi(verse) from /jargon and webmention too because they were/are very commonly used in the discussion of user features. aaronpk++
aaronpk has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (98 in all channels)
amitp Hello! Welcome!
[snarfed] How would that work? Does their API have a free tier?
Their search doesn’t seem to be great.
slyduda joined the channel
[preview] [capjamesg] reddit-webmention: Send Webmentions from Reddit to your personal website.
amitp hi! this is Ryan Barrett. been a long time!
amitp joined the channel
hi snarfed! yes, been a long time. I think the last time we met in person was probably the 2017 indieweb summit =)
yes! sounds right
[snarfed] do you know if Bridgy Fed will federate hashtags in article (as opposed to 'note') post names/titles? E.g. "#W3C TPAC"
(borderline #indieweb-dev I know but this is technically a user-feature)
I think so! I'll check
yeah it should
except Mastodon and others render articles as title and link, not full content, and I don't know how that interacts with hashtags in content. https://fed.brid.gy/docs#which-parts
I suppose it depends if the title itself is linked, or there is a separate permalink URL in display text that itself is linked
hmm I don't quite follow. you mean, if you have a literal <a> link in the title?
oh I see
[preview] Bridgy Fed status update
I suppose yes, I'll have a literal <a> link in the title, auto-linking the hashtag on my end
definitely on the bleeding edge. if that <a> link includes u-category, it _might_ still work w/BF
(probably #indieweb-dev soon)
AramZS_ joined the channel
ok! I'll try to make sure of that technicality and see how it goes 🙂
ramsey joined the channel