#indieweb 2023-09-27
2023-09-27 UTC
geoffo and gRegor joined the channel
# Loqi analytics is the collection, analysis and reporting of a websites traffic https://indieweb.org/analytics
# [tantek] analytics << Criticism: 2023-09-14 [https://pcmaffey.com/counting-ghosts Counting Ghosts] / A case for abandoning web analytics <blockquote>In 2019, I wrote Roll Your Own Analytics, my simple approach to privacy-first web analytics. Since then, my feelings have evolved: I've dropped analytics from all my active projects. This is why.</blockquote>
# Loqi ok, I added "Criticism: 2023-09-14 [https://pcmaffey.com/counting-ghosts Counting Ghosts] / A case for abandoning web analytics <blockquote>In 2019, I wrote Roll Your Own Analytics, my simple approach to privacy-first web analytics. Since then, my feelings have evolved: I've dropped analytics from all my active projects. This is why.</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /website-analytics https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89406&oldid=83420
# fLaMEd How do you send/notify a website that you've mentioned them without going through bridgy/mastodon? E.g. I've created this reply, https://flamedfury.com/notes/2023-09-27-1/ and unsure now how to notify lostletters that I've made the reply...
glguy joined the channel
# glguy Hi, is someone here responsible for the slack gateway IWSlackGateway?
# [snarfed] [aaronpk]? https://indieweb.org/User:Iwslackgateway
# glguy thanks
AramZS joined the channel
plantroon joined the channel
# fLaMEd I'm taking a look at [Telegraph](https://indieweb.org/Telegraph)
eitilt joined the channel
# Loqi [indienews] New post: "IndieWeb Carnival September 2023: My Kind of Weather" https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/indieweb-carnival-september-2023-my-kind-of-weather
[benatwork] and [jacky] joined the channel
[Jo] joined the channel
antranigv, gxt, pharalia, katsu_, geoffo, petermolnar, bterry, tyilanmenyn, AramZS, aaronpk, gRegor and Loqi_ joined the channel
# capjamesg HWC Europe online is starting in 5 mins: https://events.indieweb.org/2023/09/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-fB4Z9b5yLuko
# capjamesg You are welcome to join [tantek]!
[aciccarello] joined the channel
# [aciccarello] Is that event notification functionality new for Loqi? Or in this case Loqi_? 😄
# [aciccarello] capjamesg++
# [aciccarello] Ah, I see now. Looked official haha
bterry and gerben joined the channel
rvalue joined the channel
# capjamesg Great talk ^
# capjamesg [Ana_R]++
# [catgirlinspace] what's loqi_?
# capjamesg [catgirlinspace] Loqi is our friendly bot!
# capjamesg Loqi_ is also our bot, but there is something that happens in IRC that causes the name to have an underscore.
# capjamesg aaronpk can share more.
# capjamesg What is Loqi?
# capjamesg waits for Loqi to answer :P
# [catgirlinspace] ah, thought maybe the _ one was a different thing or something lol
# [catgirlinspace] is loqi even able to like, understand discord messages? with the whole `<username#discriminator>` prefix thing
# Loqi Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/loqi_
peterrother joined the channel
# [catgirlinspace] mhm, am familiar with loqi lol. was just confused by the _ one above is all
Guest1350 joined the channel
anarchivist_ joined the channel
# Loqi [indienews] New post: "How I approach crafting a blog post" https://tracydurnell.com/2023/09/27/how-i-approach-crafting-a-blog-post/
[capjamesg], gerben and jeremy joined the channel
# kaeldra. Thanks [tantek]!