#indieweb 2023-09-27

2023-09-27 UTC
geoffo and gRegor joined the channel
what are analytics
analytics is the collection, analysis and reporting of a websites traffic https://indieweb.org/analytics
analytics << Criticism: 2023-09-14 [https://pcmaffey.com/counting-ghosts Counting Ghosts] / A case for abandoning web analytics <blockquote>In 2019, I wrote Roll Your Own Analytics, my simple approach to privacy-first web analytics. Since then, my feelings have evolved: I've dropped analytics from all my active projects. This is why.</blockquote>
ok, I added "Criticism: 2023-09-14 [https://pcmaffey.com/counting-ghosts Counting Ghosts] / A case for abandoning web analytics <blockquote>In 2019, I wrote Roll Your Own Analytics, my simple approach to privacy-first web analytics. Since then, my feelings have evolved: I've dropped analytics from all my active projects. This is why.</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /website-analytics https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89406&oldid=83420
How do you send/notify a website that you've mentioned them without going through bridgy/mastodon? E.g. I've created this reply, https://flamedfury.com/notes/2023-09-27-1/ and unsure now how to notify lostletters that I've made the reply...
[preview] [fLaMEd] Website interaction/comments for static sites is hard. You’ve already jumped the huge hurdle to get Webmentions up and running 👏 and it’s a shame that the default choice for Webmentions is “social media platform” of choice rather than util...
fLaMEd the answer is, send a webmention, right?
and if they don't accept those, and if you really want to, you find an out of band way
one key thing I think you'll need to change though, the "Reply to Permalink" should link to the original post, not your reply
glguy joined the channel
Hi, is someone here responsible for the slack gateway IWSlackGateway?
@snarfed thanks for pointing that out, definitely a tempalte error!
AramZS joined the channel
fLaMEd welcome! also bridgy is widely used, but it definitely isn't/doesn't have to be the "default" way to send wms. send them natively, site to site!
plantroon joined the channel
[preview] [fLaMEd] Website interaction/comments for static sites is hard. You’ve already jumped the huge hurdle to get Webmentions up and running 👏 and it’s a shame that the default choice for Webmentions is “social media platform” of choice rather than util...
I'm taking a look at [Telegraph](https://indieweb.org/Telegraph)
okay, that worked! i didn't actually check the post i was replying to before i sent it, but it's already there..
fLaMEd has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
fLaMEd++ well done!
I am slowly marking up parts of my site with microformats. Once i have that done I'll create individual feeds then look at some syndication to Mastodon.
eitilt joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "IndieWeb Carnival September 2023: My Kind of Weather" https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/indieweb-carnival-september-2023-my-kind-of-weather
[benatwork] and [jacky] joined the channel
Messenger is the same anchor I have
I disassociated it from my Facebook account (whatever they deemed that to be)
But even then, I've ended up pushing conversations to Whatsapp or text
[Jo] joined the channel
Oh interesting. Can that be used for short links?
antranigv, gxt, pharalia, katsu_, geoffo, petermolnar, bterry, tyilanmenyn, AramZS, aaronpk, gRegor and Loqi_ joined the channel
[preview] LIVE NOW: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
You are welcome to join [tantek]!
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Is that event notification functionality new for Loqi? Or in this case Loqi_? 😄
i keep meaning to make Loqi do that but no that was capjamesg
capjamesg has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (128 in all channels)
that was Loqi expanding up on the link from capjamesg++
capjamesg has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (129 in all channels)
Ah, I see now. Looked official haha
Loqi is good at that
bterry and gerben joined the channel
rvalue joined the channel
Great talk ^
[Ana_R] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
what's loqi_?
[catgirlinspace] Loqi is our friendly bot!
Loqi_ is also our bot, but there is something that happens in IRC that causes the name to have an underscore.
aaronpk can share more.
What is Loqi?
waits for Loqi to answer :P
ah, thought maybe the _ one was a different thing or something lol
is loqi even able to like, understand discord messages? with the whole `<username#discriminator>` prefix thing
hmm, why didn't what what is prompt a reply?
oh it was a what's not a what is. nm
what is loqi_?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/loqi_
^ catgirlinspace if you use "what is" then Loqi will answer for you too 🙂
peterrother joined the channel
mhm, am familiar with loqi lol. was just confused by the _ one above is all
sure, I'm saying you can ask even with the _ and Loqi answers 🙂
Guest1350 joined the channel
gives Loqi an _
throws the _
there we go 🙂
anarchivist_ joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "How I approach crafting a blog post" https://tracydurnell.com/2023/09/27/how-i-approach-crafting-a-blog-post/
TracyDurnell has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
TracyDurnell++ great post!
[capjamesg], gerben and jeremy joined the channel
Thanks [tantek]!