#indieweb 2023-09-26

2023-09-26 UTC
lqdev, eitilt and ren joined the channel
kinda wannya get a short domain name for doing shortlinks but don't know what domain to go with. i currently have kitt.ink and catgirl.ink but idk if either of those are really short enough >.<
think i have rosalina.ink too but dont remember for sure...
[catgirlinspace] out of curiosity, why shortlinks?
just read this a few days ago and seemed like a good idea ig https://indieweb.org/permashortlink
[schmarty] joined the channel
I did the same thing [redacted] years ago when I first found IndieWeb. I don't exactly *regret* time spent shopping for a domain and setting up a short links for my site, but I don't know that I have ever used a short link more than a handful of times!
yeah i probably wouldn’t use them much tbh. but having a cute and short domain would be cool :3 http://catgirlin.space is kinda long i think :(
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
It may be long, but it is easy.
I did buy https://🔗.omg.lol thougj, with the thought og using it for shortpermalinks in the future.
My domain is crazy long (because my name is long lol).
[edit] My domain is crazy long (because my name is long lol).
I did buy 🔗.omg.lol (https://🔗.omg.lol) thougj, with the thought og using it for shortpermalinks in the future.
Not sure if edits work through Discord. That url is 🔗.omg.lol
is this channel bridged to discord?
sisoma: edits work, but the entire line gets repeated, so only do it if its important and not for random typos pls
Ah got it, thanks! 🙂
fury999io: yes
fury999io: also to Slack
I agree with your sentiment
I should figure how to set up IRC on my Androif tbf. Would like to depend on Discord as little as possible
SigmundurM joined the channel
sisoma: this channel is also bridged through Matrix I think, in case you want a fancy application that keeps history while you're offline without any tinkering on your end
I personally feel discord/slack go against the whole core of an "indie" web, but I've been on IRC for over a decade :')
Trying out RevolutionIRC now. But yeah, I don't like Discord either. I want the software I use to be open source and ideally non-corporate. But... I game a lot with friends, so Discord is still needed on my devices
I game with friends too, I just tell them tough shit, I have mumble if they want to voice chat :p
this idea that discord is "needed" is already a wrong start in my opinion
but I can understand its hard to change your mindset when you're used to such atrocious platforms
(I also still "need" Facebook Messenger for similar reasons 😕. Though have gotten more people there over to Signal recently)
lqdev joined the channel
When I buy my new phone in a few weeks, I'll put GrapheneOS on it, because believe it has a decent way to isolate such apps into a different profile
lqdev joined the channel
just avoid the apps
real friends will still keep in touch through other platforms
Facebook is really entrenched in the culture here. There are many things beyond just friends who require me to use Facebook and Facebook Messenger. But I do try, could ofc always try more, but I also need to be realistic so I don't just basically remove myself from society (since everything is through Facebook services)
shoesNsocks, gerben, AramZS, geoffo, eitilt, gRegor, Nuve, apophys, fLaMEd, shadowkyogre, ren and bterry joined the channel; apophys left the channel