#indieweb 2023-09-30

2023-09-30 UTC
nertzy and [jamietanna] joined the channel
step-up authentication is the] term that I've heard used a lot 🙂
mdemo joined the channel
Another on the topic of permission, permissions granted by default, involuntarily changing: https://twitter.com/StefSimanowitz/status/1700416242564169993 like use of your DMs to train AIs
fLaMEd, IWSlackGateway, rvalue and gerben joined the channel
Yes, don't use a proprietary platform
They don't care about you, they don't respect you, and they never will. If you respect yourself, use free and open source software and platforms hosted with such software
ren and [tantek] joined the channel
[preview] [tomstafford] I am kind of shocked how easy it is to pipe your mastodon feed to html to include on another webpage, but I guess I shouldn't be - that's how the open web is supposed to work, it's just the vampires of for-profit platforms that don't want it to be ea...
[preview] [hugo roy] IdeaIs there such a thing as an embed / quote posting tool for the #indieweb? An easy to use tool like the hosted #webmention [Endpoint](https://webmention.herokuapp.com) but for displaying a snippet of a page based on its h-entry / other #microforma...
dmowitz, nertzy, [Jo] and [snarfed] joined the channel
The Build a Website in an Hour event starts in 10 mins! https://events.indieweb.org/2023/09/build-a-website-in-an-hour-IlkuPP6V6dNW
[catgirlinspace] joined the channel
Wait, does it? I see that message posted here 10min before the posted event start time!
[aciccarello], gerben, [KevinMarks], khurtwilliams, [schmarty], antranigv, geoffo, [jamietanna], gRegorLove_, nertzy, [tw2113] and jarkad joined the channel