#indieweb 2023-10-01
2023-10-01 UTC
antranigv, fLaMEd, geoffo, ren, gerben, cptaffe, jeremy, monoob2, monoob, rvalue, khurtwilliams, uxBrad, gxt, nertzy, eitilt, dmowitz and gaussianblue joined the channel
capjamesg I haven't heard the phrase "needy tech" but I like it: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37729095

Loqi 🔔 notifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and display those messages (preferably in realtime) either in a list on a page, or pushed to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) https://indieweb.org/alarm_fatigue

Nuve- joined the channel
[tantek] notification fatigue << "needy tech" usage: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37729095

Loqi ok, I added ""needy tech" usage: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37729095" to a brand new "See Also" section of /notification_fatigue https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89503&oldid=89502

Loqi [indienews] New post: "Hosting: IndieWeb Carnival October 2023 - Self Care and Routine" https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/indieweb-carnival-october-2023

Nuve joined the channel
fLaMEd joined the channel
eitilt joined the channel
[tantek] yeah see the quoted numbers in https://indieweb.org/notification_fatigue#Articles

[catgirlinspace] reminds me i need to figure out notifications to disable and such

[catgirlinspace] tbh feel like i dont get many outside of youtube notifications cause theres some channels i like watching. probably can disable notifications for some of them though.

[catgirlinspace] under what criteria is this considered important??

[catgirlinspace] oh yeah i forgot discord dms. i allow those cause like, friends :3 and slack but this is the only slack im in...

[catgirlinspace] only social media i use is fedi. and for some reason the firefish pwa doesnt send me notifications so i dont get any there lol

AramZS joined the channel
[catgirlinspace] ive seen it, but the way the bridge works seems kinda weird with everything coming from IWDiscord and then having the username in angle brackets.

[catgirlinspace] i should probably learn how to use a real irc client or something.

capjamesg I like https://chat.sr.ht.

[catgirlinspace] mhm, might look into it a bit. slack seems to work fine enough for now though...

Loqi 💬 Internet Relay Chat (abbreviated IRC), in particular the #indieweb channels on the libera.chat network, is the primary community discussion forum for IndieWebCamp and anything about the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/IRC

gRegor I use Hexchat from https://indieweb.org/IRC#Clients

fLaMEd Using Konversation myself, https://konversation.kde.org/

eitilt joined the channel
sisoma I see there's a wiki page for a personal libary: https://indieweb.org/personal_library
IWDiscord <sisoma#0>
IWDiscord <sisoma#0>
sisoma Am thinking about setting up a website, maybe just on my personal website, or maybe I'll make it into its own thing, where books can be rented. Doesn't need any fancy stuff, just contacting the owner.
sisoma But is there any example of a website listing books people can rent?
IWDiscord <sisoma#0>
sisoma Books are meant to be read after all, not just sit on the shelf 😛
sisoma Upon further wiki searching, I found this page on listings:
sisoma https://indieweb.org/listing
[tantek] sisoma, a while ago I started a "library of infinite loan", which I did discuss briefly in a session at IWC Austin 2020: https://indieweb.org/2020/Austin/reading

sisoma Ooh interesting, will take a look!
eitilt joined the channel