#indieweb 2023-10-12

2023-10-12 UTC
gerben, gRegorLove_, bterry, geoffo, [0x3b0b] and [schmarty] joined the channel
silo-quits << NPR quit twitter and didn't lose traffic https://niemanreports.org/articles/npr-twitter-musk/
ok, I added "NPR quit twitter and didn't lose traffic https://niemanreports.org/articles/npr-twitter-musk/" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89764&oldid=89760
[0x3b0b], hertavein, geoffo, jonnybarnes, Xe, gerben, monoob5, Nuve, jeremycherfas, mald0r0r, [snarfed], AramZS and [manton] joined the channel
IndieWeb mentioned on https://youtu.be/sEQG0g_-LAo?t=3385
at 57:00
[KevinMarks], you were mentioned 😄
[schmarty], rvalue, [tw2113], [aciccarello] and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
Not sure if there is a better place to put this, than this channel, but did want folks to see that our next research report on the X/Twitter Migration is now live. Very up for any notes, questions etc, and any boosts are very welcome:
on X:
And here on Threads:
And here on Mastodon:
[KevinMarks], [catgirlinspace], [pfefferle], saptaks and Nebraskka joined the channel
[pfefferle] you asked about how we should @-mention folks across domains. Since this is IMO a primarily publishing/UX question (how it's handled under the covers is less important, plumbing details), I am sharing in this channel because it impacts authors of posts
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] The answer to “How should you @-mention someone you are replying to?”¹ can depend on many factors or a few. Context matters somewhat, sometimes. We can simplify it to 2 questions, based on 1 directive: * Elevate #IndieWeb domains, above any si...
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Instead of posting on a personal #IndieWeb site (& POSSE copies), some post primarily to a #fediverse instance and syndicate to Twitter, or vice-versa. How to reply¹ to such posts, e.g.: Reply to a toot (& POSSE tweet): https://tantek.com/2023/019/...
aside: does anyone use regularly Apple News as a reader (for news or otherwise) and would you be willing to take screenshots of its UI that you think make you want to keep using it?
gRegor joined the channel
what about the opposite? that iOS (Safari?) intercepts downloads w/ common feed mimetypes and insists that one cannot view the content unless one re-installs Apple News? 😒
thanks [tantek] ... the current problem I have to argue against is more or less https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37851884
[preview] [danijelb] It's great they are adopting the standard but those aliases are ugly. Instead of openprotocolfanblog.wordpress.com@openprotocolfanblog.wordpress.com it should be openprotocolfanblog@wordpress.com
yeah the "those aliases are ugly", a visual criticism, is an irrelevant argument for something that is not shown to the user.
what is shown to the user is "@tantek.com"
or "@openprotocolfanblog.wordpress.com" in that example
which is shorter than the equivalent https URL. so anyone who doesn't like that should also not like their https links either and thus should act on that, e.g. get their own (shorter) domain name
yet another examples of people (likely devs) mistaking what a user sees vs what a developer sees and which actually matters
Thanks [tantek]
rocto joined the channel
clearly I need to post more about this 🙂
dmowitz, AramZS, bterry and ajr joined the channel
me too 🙂
I started all the work on WordPress plugins, to keep blogging relevant and now I have not time to post something because of that work... what irony 🙂
Do we blog about topics of personal interest (beyond blogging) or blog about blogging or work on our tools for blogging to more quickly/easily blog, and then blog about those tools?
[tantek]: Yes. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
(In any case, you got at least one reader on all those topics!)
gaussianblue joined the channel
I should really blog more after these standards events I am going to
^ evergreen
I agree
[tantek] All of the above 😄
That is a difficult sentence to read 😂
[indienews] New post: "How do I write my blog posts" https://sarajaksa.eu/2023/10/how-do-i-write-my-blog-posts/
Haha wow. Amazing timing!
I'm looking forward to reading your post, Sara!
aaronpk By the way, thanks for showing up to the SocialCG meetings. It means a lot!
dmowitz, gRegorLove_, kleb, Nuve and IndigoRift joined the channel