geoffo, Nuve, asarandi, Nebraskka, jarkad, sp1ff, rocto, sebbu, [Murray], gerben, [catgirlinspace], dmowitz, BinarySavior, [capjamesg], [tantek] and AramZS joined the channel; ghoulguy left the channel
#Loqi[preview] LIVE NOW: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
[Jo], rocto, [jacky], dmowitz and rocto_ joined the channel
#[snarfed]had the occasional recurring thought (again) just now that I've spent most of my IndieWeb career just rebuilding FriendFeed in various forms 😆
#[snarfed]I expect the Technorati alums here can commiserate
Nebraskka joined the channel
#[snarfed](Bret and I and others talked about this regularly while we were founding Quip)
Nebraskka joined the channel
#[tantek]lol yes. Friendfeed by open source, distributed, and based on open standards
#[snarfed]hah that's definitely too generous but thanks
#[snarfed]notable functionality change is that there are separate pages for your own activity vs notifs vs your feed (ie people you follow), and most have subscribable feed formats
#[tantek][snarfed] can you turn off the text centering on mobile (narrow window) displays? That's always looked very weird/awkward
#[tantek]text centering of the notifications themselves, below the tabs
#[tantek]correct it's not new, it's longstanding. shows up on iPhone views of the profile page
btrem joined the channel
#[aciccarello][snarfed]++ Nice work. That feels more useful having those separated.
#Loqi[snarfed] has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (160 in all channels)
#[aciccarello]One suggestion would be to set the height and width on the avatar images so there isn't a layout shift every time one loads.
gerben and [pfefferle] joined the channel
#[tantek]silo-quits << Silo-quits of Twitter and Reddit: 2023-08-23 [ So Long, Twitter and Reddit] <blockquote><p>Detecting that Reddit enshittification was reaching terminal levels, I decided that during these protests was the ideal time to close the /r/zig subreddit…</p><p>I have a Mastodon account, but I don't love it, for the same reasons I didn't like Twitter. … </p><p>Discord has been dece
#[tantek]for a while. I suspect enshittification will commence soon…</p><p>I'm going to look into setting up an RSS reader for myself and start hunting for high quality blogs.</p></blockquote>
#Loqiok, I added "Silo-quits of Twitter and Reddit: 2023-08-23 [ So Long, Twitter and Reddit] <blockquote><p>Detecting that Reddit enshittification was reaching terminal levels, I decided that during these protests was the ideal time to close the /r/zig subreddit…</p><p>I have a Mastodon account, but I don't love it, for the same reasons I didn't like Twitter. … </p><p>Discord has been dece" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits