#indieweb 2023-10-17

2023-10-17 UTC
monoob1, gRegor, [tw2113], bterry, jjuran, gerben, Nuve, geoffo, Xe, sebbu2, dmowitz and [jamietanna] joined the channel
TIL re privacy on BlueSky https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@badlogic/111246798083590676 - snarfed does that track with what you've seen of it?
[jeremycherfas], dmowitz, piusbird and AramZS joined the channel
are there any docs on common pitfalls when building a site for mobile, just built a site mostly by hand for the first time in several years and its got issues in mobile view i'm not sure what i'
m doing wrong
piusbird usually the approach is to build for "mobile first", and then only add rules to "special case" desktop/laptop/wide-screens as needed
[benatwork] joined the channel
more specific advice than that may be more appropriate for the #indieweb-dev chat channel
i didn't do that as because of my disabilites i hardly ever use mobile to browse the internet at all
my phone is a phone except when it's an IPod
[jamietanna] sigh. yes, bluesky data is public. the team has been loud about that forever, consistently, both inside and outside bluesky itself. bluesky users regularly tell new people whenever it comes up. pretty much the only people now who seem surprised about it are people like this who *don't* use it, and maybe come in looking for a negative angle
I mean, there have been multiple tools for a while now that show any profile or post publicly. [capjamesg] built one himself 😁
as such, is there a Bluesky search engine?
if all the posts are public, then ...
internal yes, not aware of an external one
if anything, I expect more fediverse users wrongly assume their instances blocks crawlers and search engines than bluesky users wrongly assume their data is private
that seems anecdotally correct
gerben joined the channel
[tantek] looks like the bluesky search endpoint isn't authed: https://search.bsky.social/search/posts?q=tantek
add cors anywhere and render that JSON and you can have a public search engine in minutes
hey [snarfed], I don't mean to be a bother, but endpoint, JSON, render seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
what are community guidelines
It looks like we don't have a page for "community guidelines" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "community guidelines is ____", a sentence describing the term)
fascinating indieweb (personal website) instance of this: https://kottke.org/threads/guidelines — looks like the kind of thing [benatwork] would be interested in too
does anyone here have anything like that on their personal site?
i.e. such guidelines could express preferences for what kinds of replies to posts (and downthread) you'd prefer to see / not see (and thus may filter/moderate/mute/block accordingly) whether via Webmention or in replies to POSSE copies
jeremycherfas joined the channel
comments << Consider new section or page: Community Guidelines on commenting, replying to posts on a site (which would impact which comments are display on posts). E.g. real world personal site example of such Community Guidelines: https://kottke.org/threads/guidelines
ok, I added "Consider new section or page: Community Guidelines on commenting, replying to posts on a site (which would impact which comments are display on posts). E.g. real world personal site example of such Community Guidelines: https://kottke.org/threads/guidelines" to the "See Also" section of /comments https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89865&oldid=84843
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
There is the bsky firehose that does live searching
^ in which Anil Dash is quoted as basically giving an IndieWeb pitch without naming it: "Anil Dash has been repeating the same thing over and over for years now: that people should buy their own domains, start their own blogs, own their own stuff."
[KevinMarks] that firesky service seems to fail (no results) for my given name whereas the direct bsky API link or the XOXO transform thereof works just fine.
Firesky doesn't buffer everything, it's designed as a now firehose
James had one that buffered everything for a bit, but the storage demands were too high iirc
[KevinMarks] doesn't seem useful since it's a subset of the Bsky search endpoint
hey [tantek]: would you mind moving this conversation (API, endpoint) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
lol yes
[campegg] joined the channel
The data made my server run to 100% use and I deleted it.
I only had it running for a week or two.
hoschi joined the channel
[KevinMarks] how would I go from one of those XOXO results of Bluesky posts to clicking on a specific post to view that thread?
You'd need to construct the url from the username and the post id (that's what I did by hand)
gRegor and anomich joined the channel
browsers can do XSL client side, is the same true for Atom feeds or do I need to always preprocess them?
ah, nginx can do the xsl serverside
hey emery: that's a lot of dev jargon! ATOM, XSL, nginx... can you move to #indieweb-dev?
Loqi: am I making you uncomfortable?
who is loqi?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/User:Loqi.me
^^ Loqi is helping keep the main #indieweb channel welcoming to folks who may not be dev-focused.
ajr joined the channel
so you are assume that some folks can join IRC­ but "may not be dev-focused" and are going to get scared away by initialisms like API?
what is discuss?
💬 Join the #indieweb discussion via the web, Slack, IRC, Discord, or Matrix clients now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/Discuss
a lot of people join from Slack or Discord too
and you want to protect them from having to learn new things?
more information is available on the wiki page linked above if you would like to learn more about this community
We encourage participation from anyone who is interested in personal websites. Some people don't have a technical background. We want to keep this channel as friendly as possible to all folks, and move into #indieweb-dev when we get more technical so developers can jump in on questions.
what would be in this channel that wouldn't be in -dev?
the scrollback looks pretty "dev" to me
ok whatever, I will leave
btrem, gRegorLove_, geoffo, dustinm`, gerben, bterry, hoschi and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel; emery and ajr left the channel