#indieweb 2023-10-18

2023-10-18 UTC
gRegorLove_, strugee_, gerben, [0x3b0b], gRegor, hoschi, [pfefferle], hoschi-it, rocto, bterry and [tantek] joined the channel
welcome to the middle of the week and HWC day! what are people blogging about recently?
bterry joined the channel
i wrote a silly post abt making my website. again. and now i am all out of ideas >.<
posts about making websites are great!
[manton] joined the channel
I'm going back to my list of things to post about / drafts to see which feels right at the moment
[Jo] joined the channel
I made week notes in a conlang and an interactive (image map) post about my custom jacket
AramZS, Nuve and geoffo joined the channel
[tantek]: We miss you at HWC Pacific
bterry joined the channel
i should try and have an ideas list sometime. just, don’t have any :(
it's quite ok to have nothing to blog about. enjoy the peace & quiet from not having a list of things that have piled up over the years 🙂
I find that the more blog posts I write, the more ideas I have
although I only have one post in my drafts, which is uncharacteristically low for me
I sometimes go weeks without writing a post then think of an idea and write a few all in the same day.
Writing one post often makes me feel empowered to write another one.
^ I feel that effect too. It's like the first post after not posting a while is the hardest, then more posts naturally flow.
geoffo and kleb joined the channel
sometimes I find that going for a walk, especially in a park with trees, or a run, any kind of outdoor physical activity, can help spur ideas & thoughts for a blog post
bterry, AramZS, [chrisaldrich], gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [marksuth] joined the channel
[preview] LIVE NOW: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
bterry joined the channel
HWC is starting now!
[preview] LIVE NOW: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
angelo, bterry, jonnybarnes, AramZS_, milkii, AramZS, gxt and geoffo joined the channel
btrem, bterry, [schmarty], [aciccarello], angelo and AramZS joined the channel