Zegnatadactio: then moving on to more ambitious things 1/ related posts (based on tags), 2/ do something like what Remy Sharp has done for linkrot, with a service worker
Zegnatjkphl: the easy thing, switch off his website. Probably wants to replace it with more of a business-card-like one. Needs to come up with “something design like”
Zegnatjkphl: feels like assisting people at getting started with their website, some people from the getting started session, and of course applies to anyone else as well
Zegnattantek: 1/ update the mf2 github issues based on yesterdays session, 2/ edit the mf2 parsing spec to incorporate it, 3/ webactions (like, reply, comment buttons) now fallback to Twitter, want to move off of that to a more Mastodon like flow
Zegnatsebsel: 1/ would like to display yesterdays (Strava) run on his site, 2/ writing a parser to onvert his own data for a rewrite, 3/ might need to fix his map
Loqihey Zegnat, we try to keep jargon (mf2, spec, parser) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
Zegnatjeremycherfas: 1/ template for displaying search results on his website is not working very well (Twig), would like to fix that. 2/ wants to get maps working in Known (PHP)
Zegnatroma: 1/ fix up microformats as well. 2/ cross-syndicate featured articles from his homepage and blog posts from the site website, so they can link to eachother
Zegnatwebrocker: looked yesterday into going to ClassicPress, and was a “disaster”. Trying the WordPress to ActivityPub plugin, but needs to file an issue
Zegnatfelix: 1/ start showing swarm checkins on his site, PESOS. (Maybe ownyourswarm.) 2/ what shirt am I wearing today? Currently an airtable thing, wants to bring it to kirby.
Zegnatcalumryan: 1/ connect his site to the fediverse. 2/ three years he changed the website to kirby, but still has not finished migrating images, wants to finish the migration
Zegnatsebastian: only rocket science to do. 1/ Finish migration from jekyll to nikola. Last try was late 2021. 2/ Document the migration, maybe that way no longer need to think about it again. 3/ Write about it on the new site. 4/ Make it visible to the world
Zegnatsgreger: never got the final bugs fixed, going to check off from the list. The more ambitious one: inspired by the linkrot session. Mostly background resource. Trying to currently detect what he has for broken links.
Zegnatsgreger: has been working on selfhosting map tiles, so if you have questions, or are working on maps things try to pull him in. Will be available here in chat!
Zegnattantek: feels successful in how he has connected his website to the fediverse/mastodon, he will absolutely help people set up the same thing, and will prioritise it over his own ideas to help others!
Zegnatupdate, because I noticed I did not capture step 2 for sara very well: 2/ Add Ao3 into the indieweb flows, for the potential of using authenticated granary for RSS feeds of locked posts ... or 2/ play around with interactive fiction a-la escape rooms
[tantek]I think I have a 0th project because it is bugging me: 0/ remove the "Matrix" link at the bottom of the chat archives because the Matrix bridge is broken (on their side) and we have no estimate for when it will be fixed.
capjamesgI need ideas for something new to do with my site. My TODO list is comprised of changing my photo, and then working on a Ukrainian translation of my bio (long term project).
Loqito-do list is a set of tasks for someone to complete, on the IndieWeb, people have to-do lists on pages on their sites, and sometimes on the IndieWeb wiki https://indieweb.org/to-do_list
[tantek]I have already come up with a new project, 0.5th to figure out how to fix the IndieWeb wiki to work on mobile, thanks to [Paul_Robert_Ll] exploring the Vector 2022 skin which seems to fix most of the mobile browsing problems
[tantek]0.5th project progress: I've documented the issues and a few issues with the Vector 2022 skin which may need to be fixed before we switch over to it as the default: https://indieweb.org/MediaWiki_customizations#Issues — I'm not sure how much more (any?) progress I can make on this without aaronpk or others here who have worked on setting up our MediaWiki and working on the skins/themes (gRegor maybe?)
[tantek]0.5th project pause: blocked on any further progress until we either try upgrading the whole wiki to Vector 2022 by default (needs aaronpk help), OR I get permissions to edit Common.css and/or Vector.css (e.g. https://indieweb.org/MediaWiki:Vector.css) to try to fix the current Vector skin's mobile support with additional CSS (I have some ideas for how to do this)
nertzy, barnaby and tom joined the channel; LucyMoth left the channel
[tantek]new project 0.7 thanks to being nerdsniped by [Jeremy_Keith]: use the new Search element in my site search box instead of the existing DIV. Why? (Eventually, supposedly) better accessibility (screenreader support apparently like in Voiceover)
ZegnatMy projects are going pretty well. Did some clean-up of my homepage code. Introduced some new mf2 stuff (as always). Filed some mf2 issues. And got my IndieAuth fixed too.
Loqi[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Inspiring mix of perspective expanding and personal talks at border:none (https://border-none.net/ @border_none) the past two days. Thanks speakers, volunteers, and especially organizers @marcthiele.com (@marcthiele@mastodon.social @marcthiele) and @...
[tantek]project 0.8 completed: requested by [jkphl] & Sonja: remove aria-hidden=true on hyperlink to Bridgy etc (because they still show up for keyboard navigation e.g. via tab key — oops) and replace with the 'hidden' attribute, so I made up a new hidden attribute value: hidden="from-humans". deployed to home page and permalinks.
ZegnatSecond he wanted to move his shirts, but realised why he did not do that before. The images are very large, and does not want them in his Kirby content folder (which also syncs to git)
Loqifriendly reminder Zegnat, it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (header, Microformats, parse), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
Loqi[preview] [Joschi Kuphal] Joschi Kuphal
I'm a web & document accessibility
specialist based in Nuremberg, Germany. I'm also the founder and
working proprietor of tollwerk, a web and advertising agency with a
Loqi[preview] [Tantek Çelik] coding at #IndieWebCamp Nuremberg, completed the following projects:
0.0: fixed the https://chat.indieweb.org/ footer to drop #Matrix as an access option since their bridge is disabled (#IndieWeb IRC, Discord, and Slack still work great), and provid...
ZegnatSo frustrating that he spent the final time of the day to try and get an export of all the known data (which first went wrong even though an RSS export was supposed to work)
ZegnatWithin 1 second of clicking, it will try to ping the URL when clicked, if it returns something that does not look correct, it will check the internet archive instead
Loqi[preview] As a sociologist working in the realm of digital design, I am drawn to digging deeper than mainstream narratives of users and technology. For two decades, my critical interaction design has been all about the value of questioning assumed truths in a ...
sgreger[KevinMarks]: It takes a bit of effort to gather the API specs from different places, but archive.org indeed offers some neat means to work with their snapshots