#indieweb 2023-11-07

2023-11-07 UTC
[nsmsn] joined the channel; mmzla left the channel
[nsmsn], alephalpha0, gRegor, gxt, ren, sknebel and ericzty joined the channel
sionainn, rainystorm, sebbu2, gerben, lewis, CRISPR, tbbrown, asarandi and neongod joined the channel
On a positive note, this is quite IndieWeb related, not sure where to put it (it does link to http://IndieWeb.org) https://thoughts.melonking.net/guides/introduction-to-the-web-revival-1-what-is-the-web-revival
rvalue, AramZS, [nsmsn], barnabywalters, [jeremycherfas], [Joe_Crawford], joshproehl, CRISPR, gRegor, rainystorm, neceve, [jacky], bterry, geoffo, tbbrown, [KevinMarks], ren, [aciccarello] and [calumryan] joined the channel
this also has some indieweb sentiments, though is mostly a history of twitter's recent failings https://faineg.substack.com/p/our-year-of-watching-elon-musk-ruin