#indieweb 2023-11-08

2023-11-08 UTC
mald0r0r, alephalpha0, pharalia, {{lifeofpablo}}, [tantek], IWDiscord, jeremycherfas, tbbrown, jeremy, rocto, lanodan, [capjamesg], geoffo, wagle, gxt and rainystorm joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Blogging for 10+ Years [blog]" https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/blogging-for-10-plus-years
geoffo, lanodan, tyil, gaussianblue, Saphir, cptaffe, tbbrown, rvalue, rainystorm, gerben, AramZS and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
Oh my goodness I love that Web Revival post! (Good morning Indie Web!)
jarkad, sionainn, gRegor, anon, geoffo and [tantek] joined the channel
Good morning [kimberlyhirsh]! Yes it really resonated for me too!
[schmarty] joined the channel
I think these were discussed but I love this https://paulrobertlloyd.com/2023/298/a1/indieweb_identity/
The consistency of the circles in each logo is excellent
[preview] [Paul Robert Lloyd] A cohesive and unified identity for IndieWeb protocols
Now I just need buttons for my site footer lol
[marksuth] joined the channel
[preview] LIVE NOW: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
neceve joined the channel
jacky, yes [Paul_Robert_Ll] presented his work and led a discussion session on that topic at the recent IndieWebCamp Nuremberg, you can see the notes here: https://indieweb.org/2023/Nuremberg/block-icons
[jacky] if you liked the icons in that post, check out the page that [Paul_Robert_Ll] created with a bunch more icons! https://indieweb.org/Building_block_icons#Icons_for_IndieWeb_concepts
neceve, AramZS, krj, [snarfed] and barnaby joined the channel
ah darn, just missed the EU meetup. It officially goes for two hours but I don't think anyone is home right now.
schmudde: There is always Pacific
sionainn joined the channel