#indieweb 2023-11-12

2023-11-12 UTC
strugee_, rhiaro, geoffo, ren and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is appnesia?
It looks like we don't have a page for "appnesia" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "appnesia is ____", a sentence describing the term)
This while there are other attention-based definitions, this quote seems like an interesting IndieWeb /Why or /Identity related one:
"How many times have you lost track of an online conversation, even accidentally ghosting someone because you couldn’t remember where it was happening? Between iMessage, WhatsApp, Instagram, Signal, Discord, and others, you’ve probably found yourself swiping between apps on a regular basis just to find your various chat threads. Frankly, with “appnesia” on the rise, we’re amazed we have any friends left."
[chrisaldrich]: Nice to see you
Evening GWG. What's cooking?
Sat down after some disinfecting to do some Indieweb type fixes.
On your site or for plugins?
Plugins. Few bugs annoying me.
I've had trouble writing lately, since October 7th or so.
Seems like a lot of irksome distractions going around lately?
What is life happens?
life happens is a summary expression of numerous things that people experience in their actual physical lives that suddenly take higher priority than nearly anything else (like participation in volunteer-based communities), and the IndieWeb community is here to acknowledge, accept, and be supportive of community members experiencing this https://indieweb.org/life_happens
In the meantime, trying to fix some minor annoyances. Maybe I'll go back to some classic traveloguing.
oodani and gaussianblue joined the channel
mretka, brozek, rainystorm, [sebsel], ren, rvalue, dmowitz, njd, [snarfed], IWSlackGateway, gerben, IWDiscord, geoffo, [tantek], gxt, lanodan, [KevinMarks], barnaby and [jacky] joined the channel