#indieweb 2023-11-11

2023-11-11 UTC
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
i mean...iPod...Podcast...
i was halfway through college when podcasts initially took off and I still have a subscription to one of my OGs
this would be 2005-2007
and this one is STILL going http://keithandthegirl.com/
They were called Audioblogs before then
and then the "podfather" Adam Curry came about.
ahh the rich history of the nuances of the internet
you never know what little things you may be doing that will evolve and take off into dare I say billion dollar industry?
billion soon enough, millionS dollar for sure now
i formally recognize your place in history, Kevin 🙂
geoffo, Xe and corlaez joined the channel
schmudde, [jeremycherfas], lojik, ludovicchabant, rainystorm, karolis, dmowitz, jeremycherfas, sebbu2, rvalue, neceve, jonnybarnes, sebbu, geoffo, barnaby, gaussianblue and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
kind of! the post itself looks good, comments not so much (https://indieweb.org/comments#How_to_markup ). still fun though!
geoffo, ericzty, dmowitz and neceve joined the channel
[preview] [starrwulfe] Another opportunity to ask Threads/IG/Meta to federate and use micropub!If you’re on Threads, make your voice heard– This chatter is from one of the devs that’s asking about what methodology/tech stack to use to bootstrap a publishing API. Of c...
Just thought I’d put that out there…
bret, dmowitz1, karolis, GWG, pharalia, petermolnar, shadowkyogre, infx and ren joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel