#indieweb 2023-11-10

2023-11-10 UTC
flowji, rainystorm, Jon and geoffo joined the channel
@schmudde I like Turin, but like you have no plans to visit any time soon.
geoffo, yar, plantroon, jan6, gaussianblue, tbbrown, Nebraskka, rainystorm, Kaja, arieh, gxt, t0nic, dustinm`, gRegorLove_, [tantek], jmac, Guest357, rvalue and [snarfed] joined the channel
most recent comment there: "@johnpeart this is so cool! this is the first time i'm seeing webmentions that make me actually want to try them out!"
might be worth incorporating a thumbnail of it into the Webmention article as well as an interesting display example
tbbrown joined the channel
It's interesting in that it makes clear the difference between a group chat and open comments
[catgirlinspace], benji, tbbrown, neceve, pharalia and CRISPR joined the channel
!tell [Al_Abut] There was an example of someone publishing their Obsidian as a site via GitHub. I think the Obsidian plugin was just called digital garden ... example https://bjoern.stierand.org/iwc
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[schmarty] joined the channel
could someone IndieNews https://www.johnpe.art/2023/10/31/making-webmentions-look-more-conversational/ ? I think it's well worth publicizing given the nice display
I'll do that now, if someone hasn't already
yes please!
BinarySavior and tbbrown joined the channel
marksuth, was there a HWC EU/London photo this week? can you "Add Photo" to https://events.indieweb.org/2023/11/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-mpGzy6Gw9hUv ?
tbbrown and hedy- joined the channel