#indieweb 2023-11-14

2023-11-14 UTC
rvalue, geoffo, [chrisaldrich], asarandi, {{lifeofpablo}}, lifeofpablo, vroman, joj, SoniEx2, streety, omz13, gaussianblue, Guest1350, anarchivist_, nsh, rainystorm, [cleverdevil], sivoais, chenghiz_, srijan, lockywolf, [dpk], Saphire, duncanbeevers, [m], tiim, voxpelli, jmjl, jonnybarnes, jeremycherfas, Maxpm, ramsey, distopico, mikeputnam, Dystopia, aaronpk, timdream, fabricsheet, petermolnar, ancarda, Saphir, sebsel1, jarkad, neongod, CRISPR, ShockTohp, darylsun, helveticamono, raghavgururajan, ludovicchabant, shreyasminocha, capjamesg, barnaby, tbbrown, [0x3b0b], coyote, gxt, hi, milkii, sm2n, paulgrmn, srushe_, [Joe_Crawford], victorneo, vikanezrimaya, toastal, gerben, raucao, alecjonathon, hedy-, suki_ and jboy joined the channel
I should be more active again in the coming weeks. I’m working on what could become an entirely new backend CMS for my site, and it’s been lovely for my brain.
It’s been ages since I’ve been active here, and I’m missing the community a ton. Work and life have been quite busy, but I have started quietly working on some IndieWeb projects in my evenings as a form of mental health :D
Hey folks! Long time no chat :)
I’ll share more details over in #indieweb-dev so I can connect into the hive mind of good ideas :)
welcome back [cleverdevil]! and wow, sounds awesome!
eb_ joined the channel
[cleverdevil]: We missed you too
Welcome back, and nice! [cleverdevil]++
[cleverdevil] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
welcome back [cleverdevil]!!1