#indieweb 2023-11-15

2023-11-15 UTC
bterry, geoffo, Oclair, mdemo, gRegor, _mantra, gaussianblue and romangeeko joined the channel
welcome back [cleverdevil]++ !
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Thanks all :)
Maxpm, rainystorm, IWSlackGateway, jjuran, lawt, jjuran_, rvalue, [Murray], [KevinMarks], lanodan and omz13 joined the channel
good morning IndieWeb
jetpack, wagle, tyil, rainystorm1 and [benatwork] joined the channel
Re-stating something I posted on Mastodon just now: Known has around USD$5000 of budget to pay for ActivityPub compatibility. I would love to do it but have learned that I just don't have the bandwidth. I'm determined to bring the whole thing back - version 2.0 with ActivityPub, no Bootstrap, functional import / export, and a simplified back-end. If you can help, email me at mailto:ben@benwerd.com.
(Also, good morning, indieweb)
And if it takes more than $5000 I can probably work that out.
[tantek] joined the channel
[benatwork] there are several critical big reports about Known right now that are bad enough to cause people to look into how to export and use something else.
Getting those fixed may be more critical. Several folks here can fill you in cc [jeremycherfas]
Yep, working on those too - those are more in my wheelhouse. I've cut out the image proxy bug (which might not have been on anyone's radar but is big) and figuring out the others.
People have also been submitting PRs which is lovely and much appreciated.
[benatwork]++ much appreciated! 🙏
[benatwork] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
eitilt and ShockTohp joined the channel
I would much rather support further development of Known than switch. However, I have to admit that functional export would reassure me more than any other change, for now.
I'll make another one-off contribution to Open Collective in a few minutes.
Easier for me than recurring
No need to do that, but thank you! We will get export fully working
[jacky] joined the channel
this reminds me of Manton's BAR format
been wanting to get that going for my site and use it to import stuff from my older versions
[schmarty], [aciccarello], eitilt, geoffo and [marksuth] joined the channel
[preview] LIVE NOW: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
[nsmsn] and [bjoern] joined the channel
Woohoo, 8 participants for HWC Nuremberg. We're back on a regular (monthly) schedule and it seems for now we're the only active in-person HWC in the world. 🙂
geoffo joined the channel
[bjoern] has 1 karma over the last year
bloot joined the channel
[marksuth]++ [bjoern]++
[bjoern] has 2 karma over the last year
[marksuth] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (22 in all channels)
geoffo, gRegorLove_, [snarfed] and eitilt1 joined the channel
TIL if you add /embed on the end of a Mastodon permalink, it will render the content without JS!
geoffo joined the channel
ooh, cool!
geoffo and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Perhaps IndieWeb adjacent, but worth noting for those who are interested in learning about open publishing tools and potentially upgrading their knowledge a bit or even tinkering around. Reclaim is hosting a free flexible course from _November 28th through December 19th 2023_, with weekly sessions digging into various open publishing tools – what they are, how they work, and what they can best help you accomplish. Specifically they're
looking at HedgeDoc, Manifold, Docsify-This, and HAX which folks might like to try out as part of their personal domains. https://events.reclaimhosting.com/event/flex-course-open-publishing-ecosystems/
I've been wanting to build a version of HedgeDoc or something similar into my own website for a bit.
schmudde, geoffo, [nsmsn], saptaks and [0x3b0b] joined the channel