#indieweb 2023-11-19

2023-11-19 UTC
pharalia, uxBrad, win0err, geoffo, jason, ren, [jacky], bloot, tyil, trwnh, gaussianblue, BurgerK, barnaby, rainystorm, [KevinMarks], [schmarty], [aciccarello], [Paul_Robert_Ll], srijan, shadowkyogre and [jamietanna] joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
[preview] [JP] Is there an #opensource backed standard for annotating others’ webpages?I’m thinking specifically being able to tag others’ sites with #IndieWeb h-cards (eg. Adding machine readable event tags to pages like this: https://www.ewanbleach.com/even...
nope and nope
[jamietanna] also that's very much a #indieweb-dev topic so I'd suggest taking it up there
shadowkyogre, ryanachronism, tbbrown, geoffo, [James_Van_Dyne], ryank, [nsmsn], red-snail, uxBrad and [snarfed] joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
How does the indie web feel about parody? https://nicksimson.com/posts/social-media-is-over/
[preview] [Written by Nick Simson] I made a parody of something.
CRISPR joined the channel