#indieweb 2023-11-20

2023-11-20 UTC
uxBrad, jacky_, CRISPR, [James_Van_Dyne], [tantek], [jacky], [chrisaldrich], IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], skroom and rainystorm joined the channel
morning all
uxBrad, [marksuth], [sebsel], lojik, vroman, CRISPR, ryanachronism and [jgarber] joined the channel
win0err and Akash joined the channel
I suppose I should've seen that coming, ha
That's how abandoned domains are made!
The reply is both a valid critique _and_ an insult. A rare feat! 😂
[tantek] joined the channel
Last time I browsed the indieweb ring it was mostly independent blogs, not much "nerd stuff"
i think this group was not aware of an existent "indie web ring"
geoffo and jeremycherfas joined the channel
interesting that the default assumption of an indiewebring is that it is nerd stuff, despite the proposal of an exactly named indiewebring to not be nerd stuff
milkii_ joined the channel
Literally top 5 googling results for indie web ring are for [schmarty]'s indieweb ring either directly or the wiki entry or posts about
where's the fun in doing research first
ShockTohp, rvalue, jonnybarnes, tbbrown, barnaby, [aimee], gRegor, [jacky], shadowkyogre, neongod, win0err and geoffo joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
all of the icons!
uxBrad joined the channel
Haha, what even is a finished project
I was thinking about creating an archive site for past versions of my website
I figured I'm best off creating archives before I hit incompatibilities with old version of node or something
that's a _good_ point
tempted to print and tape that diagram somewhere
"Great art is never finished, only abandoned"
That's a great quote
oh sorry there's no "great"! just "Art is never finished, only abandoned"
Sounds like there have been many adaptions of that from french over time https://quoteinvestigator.com/2019/03/01/abandon/
funny, I've usually heard it attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, who's not even mentioned there
history is hard 🤷
There's an interesting tie-in to commonplace books
> In 1970 Auden published “A Certain World: A Commonplace Book”, and he included a slightly shorter version of the adage than he used in 1967:https://quoteinvestigator.com/2019/03/01/abandon/#f+21874+1+12
aciccarello re: "archive site for past versions of my website" I believe current best practice to to use a YYYY. subdomain for that, e.g. when you freeze/abandon a version, you move it to the subdomain and put your "new" version at your plain domain
I was thinking of using an http://archive.ciccarello.me subdomain with paths for the year to make it easier to manage from a DNS perspective but it would add some work to fix the base paths.
base path fiddling is exactly why i went with YYYY subdomains
I would like that quote on a coffee cup [snarfed]!