#indieweb 2023-11-21

2023-11-21 UTC
gxt and bterry joined the channel
This might be getting more into -dev territory, but it's been on the back burner for me to figure out best way to do those past archives when my site is run on a CMS and not static.
Haven't figured that out fully yet, which is part of the reason I haven't made drastic layout updates.
My current layout's (mostly) been in place since 2011 I think, wow. I used to redesign it every couple years before that, heh
lockywolf joined the channel
pops into #indieweb-dev
ren, geoffo, gRegor, jjuran, dutchkin, plantroon, win0err, rainystorm, uxBrad, [Paul_Robert_Ll], CRISPR, Nuve, jmac and rvalue joined the channel; dutchkin left the channel
[tantek], timdream - any feedback on that event summary doc? It's been pretty quiet...
mhoye: [tantek] left you a message on 2023-09-23 at 1:28am UTC: re: "invites to the DTInit miniconf" I double-checked my email and I got the invitation and replied to you on August 8th and didn't hear anything since. Just reply-all-ed and hopefully you'll get that.
Thanks, loqi
you're welcome
geoffo and rainystorm joined the channel
mhoye, gotta say hi more often 🙂 also [snarfed] is here too
[manton], [aciccarello], [snarfed] and Guest6 joined the channel
will do
barnaby joined the channel
chat response rates > email response rates
dolearning and rrix joined the channel
[tantek]: counterpoint: [error] Sorry, private messages to users of the slack gateway are not supported.
gRegor joined the channel
mhoye, indeed, gateways aren't great at relaying direct/private messages
public chat is better than private chat anyway
[davidmead] and bterry joined the channel
stares in e2e
jeremycherfas, ren, Saphir, jmjl-, alfplayer, [schmarty], geoffo, uxBrad, ryanachronism and rrix joined the channel