#indieweb 2023-11-24

2023-11-24 UTC
uxBrad, angelo, alephalpha0, geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
right, at least for Bridgy Fed. iirc there is a bridge that just does automated cross-posting between a pair of normal Mastodon and Bluesky accounts though. I don't remember its name offhand
uxBrad, rainystorm, plantroon, rvalue and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
hey all. I found [tantek]'s post on `h-review` posts pretty inspiring. But as they mentioned, there aren't many examples in the wild. Anyone working on something like this? https://tantek.com/2023/114/t1/venues-reviews-personal-pages
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] 🌱 I have long been a fan of @Foursquare.com and @Swarmapp.com, having created many venues, posted many tips, and (checks profile) over 45,000 checkins. I recently joined @happycow.net and before I start posting new vegan (friendly) venues or revie...
schmudde Me!
cidney and Guest6 joined the channel
capjamesg: Ah you're doing breakfast and coffee? I dig the wiki. So I guess it's best if I follow examples like https://jamesg.blog/checkins/barcelona/starbucks/?
[preview] [James] Starbucks - Barcelona
schmudde The idea is still in early development; improvements and iterations are most welcome!
alfplayer_, alfplayer, Guest58, CRISPR, Guest6, ppnm, bterry, Guest57, uxBrad and [jacky] joined the channel
[preview] LIVE NOW: IndieWeb Black Friday Create Day — Build Don't Buy
morning all! I'm only online a bit today, but I'm working a bit on my browser extensions for replying, liking, or reposting the current page via micropub with automatic syndication to Bridgy Fed
(technically open source, https://github.com/snarfed/misc/tree/main/indie-respond , but not listed on AMO)
hey [snarfed]: we try to keep jargon (Micropub, open source) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
each is a single button that does everything automatically, no UI except for a single text box for replying
[Joe_Crawford] and gRegor joined the channel
We're a bit late but Zoom video is now live, in case you tried to join earlier
[preview] LIVE NOW: IndieWeb Black Friday Create Day — Build Don't Buy
joining now!
uxBrad joined the channel
Also just in case you get in the waiting room and we don't see the notification, ping me or capjamesg here and we'll let you in
what is style guide
A style guide on the IndieWeb is a page that describes writing style preferences or visual design elements about a personal website https://indieweb.org/style-guide
I def started this last night but here it is (cc: [tantek]) https://indieweb-bingo.jacky.wtf (will be redirecting to a new domain for side projects soon)
[preview] [Jacky] IndieWeb Building Blocks Bingo
lol "Nubwubbubhub" [jacky]++
[jacky] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
taking any and all suggestions for the board!
one of the goals is to have it accept them over webmention 🤔
[jacky] Can you add a way to save your results?
Maybe in a query string?
good idea! I'd need to probably keep the board state too (it's random but I can hold that seed somewhere)
geoffo joined the channel
Lolol [jacky] that board is like overheardindieweb
haha yeah
nertzy, dmowitz, mossymaker, ericzty and geoffo joined the channel
what is easter egg
An easter egg is an (often small) undocumented feature, many are small jokes, in software or services, including on a few IndieWeb sites https://indieweb.org/easter_egg
nertzy and angelo joined the channel
Back finally
joining back now
are we doing demos?
[tantek]: you include the entire text of a note in the title, seems a bit suboptimal
ah it is time for demos
rubenwardy compared to what? betting my HTML permalinks are still smaller than any silo permalinks, which is good enough. I'd rather prioritize more substantial / impactful features than chasing fractions of percents. the pursuit of "optimal" is a trap, perfect enemy of the good etc. 🙂
suboptimal in that it created a huge tooltip that was unreadable and filled my screen
.slice(0, 200)
^ that's more appropriate for #indieweb-dev
if you have some progress, [jacky], but we're still going this afternoon so can demo later.
sounds like you're describing suboptimal browser behavior. which browser / OS?
Al and I just had some progress to share
Firefox and tree style tabs. It's probably only surprised me so much because it appears in front of other tabs, as my tabs list is vertical
oh no I wanna wait a bit!
totally fine!
CRISPR joined the channel
anyway, nice post. I'm thinking of posting coffeeshop reviews, maybe on each post
For my first on-site review, I reviewed this week's HWC
[preview] [David Shanske] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> Reviewed Homebrew Website Club – Pacific – 10th Anniversary & Thanksgiving Edition (events.indieweb.org)One big HWC, for anyone who is available. People from all parts of the world are welcome. Pacific ref...
^ GWG, there's that ?xml thing I was talking about again, where is that coming from on your page?
I'm not sure...title tag maybe?
anyway it shouldn't be there, certainly not in the content
It isn't in there. Maybe x-ray?
I found it.
It's in the SVG
this convo is reminding me that we def need to do some work on http://indiewebify.me but I don't know _how_ to write it out
that ?xml should NEVER be in embedded SVG, and is *optional* if the whole file is SVG
hey [tantek]: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (XML), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
but this is yeah more #indieweb-dev talk
I'm excited. I can review things all through my vacation
rem has 1 karma over the last year
css has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
ah ha! loqi doesn't like parens 😞
also angelo doing this CSS guide right now is making me want some sort of video series about each CSS property and demo
like lol a video form of MDN
what is indiemon
Badges was a session at IndieWebCamp NYC 2018 https://indieweb.org/IndieMon
there's a missing title for one of the feeds!
angelo, uxBrad and therealperson joined the channel
what is ASCII
It looks like we don't have a page for "ASCII" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ASCII is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is ASCII art
It looks like we don't have a page for "ASCII art" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ASCII art is ____", a sentence describing the term)