#indieweb 2024-01-14

2024-01-14 UTC
bterry and [Murray] joined the channel
Hmm [snarfed] how did you find that http://webmention.io link? I'm trying to understand why a comment and a like the http://Brid.gy _did pick up_ and seems to have forward to the right page never made it to http://webmention.io. I seem to have had other webmentions through since the missing ones, but not for that specific post, and wondering if I have something configured wrong
I found it in Bridgy's internal logs, not necessarily exposed externally. http://wm.io status URLs are in the logs Bridgy exposes, but those have been very flaky recently :(
[Murray] feel free to post details in your case, happy to look
will pop to -> #indieweb-dev
rvalue and geoffo joined the channel
What's the difference between a blog and a social site? Not so much in my opinion...
[preview] [starrwulfe] What’s the difference between a blog and a social posting site?📡🔀 MastodonMastodon starrwulfe.xyz bsky ThreadsThreads FacebookFacebook∴ https://starrwulfe.xyz/b/1Xib ・ #blog #fediblog #fediverse #meta
As always, get in the (federated) comments to voice your opinions and views! I really want to hear what everyone has to say about it. (plus I need to stress-test this thing before I move on to CSS styling)
starrwulfe++ that is definitely the Discourse du jour these days
starrwulfe has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
thank you for writing that up!
Thanks Snarfed -- I've had something like this rattling around my head for YEARS now. It's always been a long term goal to have something akin to federated comments, even in the Blogger days.
I knocked together a Google Wave thing that would live in an iFrame below a post and would hoover up comments from all over the place and it worked pretty good. Pour one out for Wave though. Ever since then, I've been on a quest hrere.
IWDiscord: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (federated, iframe), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
geoffo, ren, laker, eitilt, [Joe_Crawford], gRegor, retropikzel, [Serena], rainystorm, Hy, rvalue, Nonsvch_, dmowitz, gRegorLove_, cedric and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
StreetPass looks like an interesting use of identity and verification for Mastodon using a browser bookmarklet and rel=me. Anyone tried it? Extensible to other indieweb sites? https://streetpass.social/
lockywolf and geoffo joined the channel
huh. sounds like they maybe use a static list of all known fediverse domains, and look for rel-mes to those domains?
(sorry, #indieweb-dev)
no i think it's looking for mastodon-like URLs
i keep forgetting i have it installed
it's found 133 profiles since april as i've been browsing around the internet
oh interesting ok
lockywolf joined the channel
it's looking for bidirectional rel=me links, but i think it is also looking for rel=me links that look like mastodon
=> #indieweb-dev
[KevinMarks] and lockywolf joined the channel