#indieweb 2024-01-16

2024-01-16 UTC
rvalue, geoffo, tPoltergeist and jacky joined the channel
can't wait until I can add all of my older blog posts (from the Lycos/Tripod days)
backups has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
tPoltergeist, to2ds, geoffo, jacky, cedric and draseil joined the channel
hi everyone!!!
I'm looking for a local indieweb community based in hk; is there anyone here nearby?
geoffo, rainystorm, tPoltergeist and cedric_ joined the channel
Welcome draseil!
I'm not sure how many people there are in Hong Kong, but we do have community members around the world who regularly chat in this chat room!
To the extent we can be helpful, let us know!
cedric_, tPoltergeist, jacky, [KevinMarks], [Ana_R], Guest6, CRISPR and AramZS joined the channel
I spent 7 hours in the Hong Kong airport once, but that's the closest I got to being in the community
[calumryan], joshproehl, tPoltergeist, sebbu2, geoffo, a51 and rainystorm joined the channel
I know a lot of folks here use mico.blog. I'm curious, how easy is it to export data from if I wanted to move to a different platform?
CRISPR, jonnybarnes, rvalue, gRegor, bterry, bret and tPoltergeist joined the channel
[snarfed]1 thanks!
raucao, [Al_Abut], [aciccarello] and [manton] joined the channel
Thanks! Just updated that page with a couple recent improvements to exporting too. It was a bit out of date. (We’ve added more export options in the Mac app.)
a51 and [tantek] joined the channel
It's good for your org (employee mental health) to leave Twitter, yes, even/especially journalists: https://niemanreports.org/articles/npr-twitter-musk/
cedric, rrix, [schmarty], lazcorp and CRISPR joined the channel
trying to write up a post on big vs small fedi, opt in vs opt out federating, context collapse, bridges, etc, and man is it difficult
starrwulfe has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
[preview] [starrwulfe] What’s the difference between a blog and a social posting site?📡🔀 MastodonMastodon Micro.blogMicro.blog bsky ThreadsThreads FacebookFacebook∴ https://starrwulfe.xyz/b/1Xib ・ #blog #fediblog #fediverse #meta
[snarfed] has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (116 in all channels)
You'll get there
It takes time to figure out what you want to say.
[snarfed] it *is* hard for so many reasons!
we do have some analysis of some of these things on the wiki which may help you
what is publics
publics are the combined set of people who make up the readership or audience of a post https://indieweb.org/publics
what is context collapse
Context collapse refers to when a social media user who belongs to a specific peer or social group shares a post publicly but with the expectation that the audience understands the social norms and practices of the group creating a “private” post in public https://indieweb.org/context_collapse
^^ and both of those pages could use some gardening to incorporate interesting things from their See Alsos into their article content
tPoltergeist, tbsp, barnaby and jgee118692253458 joined the channel