#indieweb 2024-01-18

2024-01-18 UTC
ok, I've written ~4k words on federation and consent and opt in vs opt out. phew.
time to edit it down
...tomorrow 😎
snarfed++ takebreaks++
snarfed has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (116 in all channels)
takebreaks has 1 karma over the last year
jjuran, rvalue and Xe joined the channel
yikes! looking forward to reading it [snarfed]
bterry1, gxt, jacky, [KevinMarks], geoffo, tPoltergeist, bterry, [lifeofpablo], jarkad_, gRegor, [jeremycherfas], [tantek], [Paul_Robert_Ll], a51, _IWDiscord, [aaronpk], IWSlackGateway, [capjamesg] and rainystorm joined the channel
@everyone Hello everyone! If you haven't been in the IndieWeb chat for a while, welcome again!
We are working on making the Discord more interactive and intuitive. Today, we added:
- A community overview in #overview , with tips on how to participate.
- Roles that let you set your Discord colour and define whether you have / want to have a website (so we can better help!). See #choose-your-roles to get started.
- Our online events to the Discord Events feature. We host online events every Wednesday in Europe and US timezones, with irregular in-person events (next ones are Homebrew Website Club Nürenberg and an IndieWebCamp in Brighton).
If you joined a while ago and haven't said hello, please join us in #indieweb-chat ! To the extent you want to talk about websites (from Neocities to static websites to WordPress, and everything in between), we're here to help!
If you have any suggestions on what else we can do, let us know! You can DM me directly or post in #indieweb-meta to share feedback!
[edit] @everyone Hello everyone! If you haven't been in the IndieWeb chat for a while, welcome again! 👋
We are working on making the Discord more interactive and intuitive. Today, we added:
- A community overview in #overview , with tips on how to participate. ✍️
- Roles that let you set your Discord colour and define whether you have / want to have a website (so we can better help!). See #choose-your-roles to get started. 🟢
- Our online events to the Discord Events feature. We host online events every Wednesday in Europe and US timezones, with irregular in-person events (next ones are Homebrew Website Club Nürenberg and an IndieWebCamp in Brighton). 📆
If you joined a while ago and haven't said hello, please join us in #indieweb-chat ! To the extent you want to talk about websites (from Neocities to static websites to WordPress, and everything in between), we're here to help!
If you have any suggestions on what else we can do, let us know! You can DM me directly or post in #indieweb-meta to share feedback!
[edit] @everyone Hello everyone! If you haven't been in the IndieWeb chat for a while, welcome again! 👋
- A community overview in #overview , with tips on how to participate. ✍️
We are working on making the Discord more interactive and intuitive. Today, we added:
- Roles that let you set your Discord colour and define whether you have / want to have a website (so we can better help!). See #choose-your-roles to get started. 🟢
- Our online events to the Discord Events feature. We host online events every Wednesday in Europe and US timezones, with irregular in-person events (next ones are Homebrew Website Club Nürenberg and an IndieWebCamp in Brighton). 📆
If you joined a while ago and haven't said hello, please join us in #indieweb-chat ! To the extent you want to talk about websites (from Neocities to static websites to WordPress, and everything in between), we're here to help!
If you have any suggestions on what else we can do, let us know! You can DM me directly or post in #indieweb-meta to share feedback!
to2ds joined the channel
It looked like the speakerphone was left on for a moment there 😄
Wow, that brings back memories.
[Joe_Crawford], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [campegg] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Started doing weekly journal posts:
[edit] Started doing weekly journal posts:
[schmarty] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://waxy.org/2024/01/the-quiet-death-of-ellos-big-dreams/" to the "See Also" section of /Ello https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92297&oldid=88166
I couldn't get an edit token for the wiki
Loqi, edit token or edit typo?
edit typo
rvalue joined the channel
Loqi confused by the wiki update?
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
Starrwulfe - that’s a fun format, I might do that too. A quick list recapping the week is so doable instead of building up each thing into its own post.
I just started blogging weekly too, debuted at last night’s HWC Pacific:
and wow that’s a brutal case-study
Thanks to [gRegorLove] for the RSS autodiscovery tip
[manton] and [snarfed] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://waxy.org/2024/01/the-quiet-death-of-ellos-big-dreams/" to the "See Also" section of /site-deaths https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92299&oldid=92188
angelo, Saphir, [Jo] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[Al_Abut] Love the theme on your site
I've been thinking about weekly posts but I'd only do it if I could automate things.
Like I'd love to have a summary of "Here's everything posted this week" with stuff like bookmarks that I don't normally show.
gRegor joined the channel
I'm thinking about doing a "throwback" type series.
Where I put posts from last year in my RSS feed.
I have been thinking that there are a lot of things that regular readers have probably never seen before but might be interesting.
(my airport pianos site, some web projects, some technical writing posts)
The thought is keep the page the same but have a special feature on my homepage of a post from the past.
what is throwback
A throwback is a current post of content from some time ago, typically at least days, often years https://indieweb.org/throwback
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I like my On This Day section although I have no idea whether anyone else uses it.
It feels a bit weird that you can write so much but once it's out there, that's it.
*that one can write so much
That’s partly why people have gardens as well as streams, I think.
On this day would be cool to have on my site.
The technical details might be more complicated with my static site though
Mine is effectively status as it is generated for the day of the latest post, not if you visit it on a day with no post that day.
That is, the “this” refers to the date of the post, not “today”.
Ah, interesting
to2ds joined the channel
Recently started a now page, but it feels more like a "what I'm procrastinating on" page.
what is now
A now page is a page that tells you what a person is focused on at this point in their life https://indieweb.org/now
Heh, yeah, that's part of the reason I haven't set one up myself
maybe you need /soon pages instead
gRegor++ for sage advice 🙂
gRegor has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
/soon is empty. That is genius!
what is procrastination
Loqi will answer that later
[aciccarello] thanks! I went with Halloween colors because orange is my favorite color and I tend to dress in black.
Also love all those recipes you put up last night. Never thought a feed reader could make me hungry…
gRegor and to2ds joined the channel
/soon and /procrastination are now my two favorite sections now 😄
Haha, I did post a bunch yesterday.
The chicken broth one was in my drafts for like 3 years
What about /later?
And /never.
So about the weekly aggregation - I think I’m going to do that with a manual PESOS thing to try it out
I'll see you at jamesg.blog/never.
But would love to hear if you end up scripting a way to do it too [aciccarello], maybe that would work for me static site too.
Now adding /later and /never to favorites as well.
Thank you capjamesg.
I've mostly thought about a weekly roundup in the context of an email newsletter but it would be nice to highlight some other post types.
For example if I added jam posts I wouldn't want to spam my feed with songs I'm listening to but a summary might be interesting to people.
Is that jam as in music or jam as in food?
Because I don't see enough jam as in the food pages.
what is jam
♫ jam is an active type of post used to share a song that you are recently enjoying https://indieweb.org/jam
Spamming feed or feeding spam? Almost a paradox.
Now we need a Monty Python jam 😉
which reminds me I need to post about some Byte Jam
And I would like to go eat jam.
And I’d like to listen to The Jam.
Will you jam while listening to The Jam [Al_Abut]?
How can you not? Best band ever.
I jammed while watching the Eras Tour movie.
“It does what it says on the tin” as Brits might say - they make me jam, regardless of current mood. Like Stevie Wonder. Automatic uplift.
It lasted 3h30m. Too long to watch without getting to the piano and playing.
Stevie Wonder is great.
You're really tempting me now. I am seated right next to my piano.
And I can play Superstition.
Wow, you play piano? You’re a man of many talents.
I do!
I’m as untalented at creating music as I am fervent about listening to it.
Do you know about https://airportpianos.org?
[edit] Do you know about https://airportpianos.org?
No! But I did see a piano at a rail station in London in 2017 and it blew my mind.
I play on public pianos all the time.
Usually three times a week.
It genuinely swept me away as a listener, so I can only imagine how it feels to actually play
I’m trying to dig up a photo but failing. I think I put away the phone and just enjoyed the experience.
barnaby joined the channel
Which is great, I just don’t remember the exact train station. I think it’s called Liverpool? Before we boarded the fancy high speed train to the Chunnel.
to2ds joined the channel
Another interesting paradox. The pianos are free to play but you have to pay for the loo? 🤔
Oh no wait, I’m wrong. It’s St Pancras International.
Maybe that's the real reason everyone is dancing while someone is playing the piano?
Gosh I miss the UK. I was daydreaming about that Brighton meetup and maybe even the Patterns conference, but we can’t make it. I saw “we” because my wife has a bucket list item to visit Brighton and watch their premiere league team 😂
misses the UK too
Loqi, you have travelled far for a dinosaur.
I love this all!...but it may fit better in #indieweb-chat 😁
[tantek] and to2ds joined the channel
Is there a separate #indieweb-chat room? Thought #indieweb was the main chat room.
Yep, https://indieweb.org/discuss has details about the various chat channels.
Thank you. Was just looking for that page.
indieweb-chat is basically "off topic/general" chatter that isn't logged.
geoffo joined the channel
starrwulfe[d] I like the layout of your blog!
shoesNsocks joined the channel
indieweb relevant << Before deleting a page because you can't figure out how it's IndieWeb relevant, please at least click on the "What links here" link the sidebar to see what pages link to it which may help explain its IndieWeb relevance, and then, instead of deleting the page, grow it (expand the definition etc.) to explicitly include the IndieWeb relevance that you discovered.
ok, I added "Before deleting a page because you can't figure out how it's IndieWeb relevant, please at least click on the "What links here" link the sidebar to see what pages link to it which may help explain its IndieWeb relevance, and then, instead of deleting the page, grow it (expand the definition etc.) to explicitly include the IndieWeb relevance that you discovered." to the "See Also" section of /relevant_to_the_IndieWeb_wiki https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92313&oldid=87262
I'm curious to get more input on all that was said in #indieweb-meta today. I know it was a lot, but more perspectives would be greatly appreciated!
fLaMEd and to2ds joined the channel
[capjamesg] to be honest I’m still mulling it all over and feel like I need to digest it into the form of a blog post that can distill what I’m thinking. I’ve been noodling about the topic of how the indieweb community comes across for the few months that I’ve been involved. We did a similarly deep dive on the 1st day of IWC in San Diego in Dec and I’m glad I brought it up because I thought it was something that just affected me becau
new or not technical enough, but it turned out to be a perennial topic and today’s chat reinforced that a bit.
I felt bad for sitting on doing any writing about the topic for over a month, until I got a couple of follow up links from people trying to tackle the same topic in years past… as part of their graduate research! So it’s a meaty topic and not necessarily easily resolved.
My main takeaway is that not everything can be resolved over text. A lot of today’s conversation felt like the kind of thing at work that gets leveled up from Slack to a quick Zoom.
bterry1 and geoffo joined the channel
gRegor-web joined the channel
also yum, that typography. Those serifs are gorgeous, especially the italics.
Really goes well with the print-style footnotes. Feels like I’m reading an expensive textbook or academic paper, but not in a stuffy way.
Ghost << [https://citationneeded.news/substack-to-self-hosted-ghost/ Migrating from Substack to self-hosted Ghost: the details] by [https://citationneeded.news/author/molly/ Molly White]
ok, I added "[https://citationneeded.news/substack-to-self-hosted-ghost/ Migrating from Substack to self-hosted Ghost: the details] by [https://citationneeded.news/author/molly/ Molly White]" to the "See Also" section of /Ghost https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92342&oldid=91434
dustinm` joined the channel