#indieweb 2024-01-31

2024-01-31 UTC
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Nice share
It has some solid Indieweb parallels, even if he doesn’t call them out by name. E.g. how the big platforms felt like they were too strong in 2016 to have any criticism make them flinch, but the arguments have growing momentum and audience. There really is something in the air about a cultural shift…
For Tapestry: beyond RSS and ActivityPub ingesting - are there any other indieweb or other protocols that Monocle or Microsub or other early efforts at a universal indieweb reader began experimenting with that we should recomend. I just donated to the kickstarter and suspect they would be open to ideas - esp if it came from a group of several indieweb focused donors.
rvalue, gRegorLove_, cambridgeport91 and jgee118692253458 joined the channel
h-feed ingesting is the obvious next one, and I assume that WebSub makes sense for a modern feed reader
Still learning a few of these such as "WebSub" - is that related to this? https://indieweb.org/Microsub-spec
friendly reminder [KevinMarks] [timothy_chambe], it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (WebSub, Microsub, spec)
BigShip, jacky, geoffo, gRegorLove_, Halian, [0x3b0b], CRISPR, [aciccarello], tPoltergeist, ren, rjomara5, jonnybarnes, jjuran and jgee118692253458 joined the channel
Hi - Are these online events recorded?
Not generally, no. HWC events are mostly casual. Other online events, like pop-ups, are recorded.
laker joined the channel
We do archive notes on the wiki after the event.
That way, you can read what was discussed if you didn't attend.
I read a lot of the notes from meetings i can't attend. It is nice!
tPoltergeist joined the channel
Good to know, thanks!
[KevinMarks], tPoltergeist, bterry, a51 and [Murray] joined the channel
Anybody actively using Post? I'd largely forgotten it existed 😅 though I think a few people I used to follow on Twitter have ended up there: https://post.news/@/noel/2bgG91qlxDWKkAiT6tvOaf4lHga
jacky joined the channel
I thought it had already shut down
[tantek] joined the channel
what is post.news?
It looks like we don't have a page for "post.news" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "post.news is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I don't even remember hearing about it
and got deleted a couple of times: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post.news
well apparently it's still going... maybe not "strong", but still going at least
bterry, geoffo and Xe joined the channel
I share my blog posts there but it's genuinely the worst social network I've ever used
All of the content is the kind of Occupy Democrats superficial political posts that drive me up the wall. Very little of substance anywhere.
geoffo, [Al_Abut], root, gRegor, tbsp, antranigv, bterry, rvalue and [snarfed] joined the channel
[benatwork] share like POSSE or ... ?
Manual POSSE
No idea if it has an API, don't care enough to find out
(Links to my blog posts, I should say, not the full text)
(I have a permanent everything-pointing-to-my-domain-no-matter-what attitude these days)
what is OPP?
bret and antranigv joined the channel
original post link << {{benwerd}} perspective: https://chat.indieweb.org/2024-01-31/1706725546998300
what is OPP
OPP is an acronym for original post permalink, the IndieWeb practice of including a link back to your original post when you POSSE, like when you cross-post or otherwise share your posts to silos or other distribution mechanisms — you down with OPP? https://indieweb.org/OPP
[Paul_Robert_Ll], antranigv and [marksuth] joined the channel
I keep meaning to join the EU ones but something keeps getting in the way during the daytime. Hopefully a future one!
Does our little tribe have a phrase for “re-indieifying”? Like when a commercial app runs out of VC-funded growth juice and reverts to open source or small indie dev shop. The latter just happened to the Castro podcast app today:
antranigv, tPoltergeist, jacky and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[snarfed] That podcast link reads as RDF in Firefox.
bterry1, antranigv and rocto joined the channel