#indieweb 2024-02-23

2024-02-23 UTC
rvalue, gRegorLove_, gxt_, tbsp and tPoltergeist joined the channel
I came across a new CMS for static site generators. I haven't used it yet but it looks promising. It only works with Cloudflare pages at the moment. Branding wise seems to imply it works with Github so it's kind of confusing! https://pagescms.org
jacky, tPoltergeist, mald0r0r, cerealport, Maxpm, schelcj, [Murray], [Joao_Paulo_Pes], [dominik], IWSlackGateway, [benatwork], [tantek], nnn0, timdream, ren, raghavgururajan, darylsun, lane, Schnouki, alecjonathon, ancarda, srushe, capjamesg, eb, vikanezrimaya, shreyasminocha, paulgrmn, toastal, suki, sm2n, victorneo, [KevinMarks], bret, Guest6 and gxt_ joined the channel
barnaby and tPoltergeist joined the channel
This feels like it belongs somewhere on the wiki https://mastodon.social/@MikeElgan/111950192497229707
lazcorp joined the channel
to2ds thank you!
Achylles, ren, tPoltergeist, mahboubine, a51, barnaby and gxt_ joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
oh yeah, I'd use that all of the time
bterry and rvalue joined the channel
What is Google Maps
Google Maps is a Google's web application for viewing maps, getting directions, and keeps track of your location history (opt out) https://indieweb.org/Google_Maps
[KevinMarks] ^
ok, I added "https://mastodon.social/@MikeElgan/111950192497229707" to the "See Also" section of /Google_Maps https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=93417&oldid=63708
I feel like the sign could go on Google Reader too
Odd, Loqi doesn't put the embedded image there
And the whole post is just the image
[preview] [Masto.host] Mastodon v4.2.8 has just been released. On this release Mastodon changes the default registration mode to being closed. Meaning that if you have never changed the registration mode for your server, it will be closed by default. Also, it introduces ...
jonnybarnes joined the channel
ah that was fast, saw that being discussed a few days ago. All counter-spam measures
that's excellent tbh
should have been the default from the beginning
public signup on instances before there was a clear migration path was a big source of the surprises when people lost their account when a server shut down
I like the idea of switching back instances in "manual approval" too, might help a lot of unmaintained instance. Of course, this will be true only for the one using this version or later, but a good move anyway IMHO.
[Joe_Crawford], gRegor, rvalue, stefen, bterry and [snarfed] joined the channel
I wonder how many people will confuse this with closed federation
[tantek] joined the channel
[aciccarello] joined the channel
remember when WordPress had open registration for commenters to comment on any WordPress blog? the spammers remember
jacky and schelcj joined the channel
Known defaulted to that initially too. I'm pretty sure it's turned off by default now
[will], ludovicchabant and jgee118692253458 joined the channel
Everyone repeats this error
What is open signups
It looks like we don't have a page for "open signups" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "open signups is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jeremycherfas, gRegorLove_ and to2ds joined the channel
Only Web 1.0 can save us 😄
Which kind of begs the question: Was there a Web 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.?
The web has no version