#indieweb 2024-02-27

2024-02-27 UTC
geoffo, rvalue, jeremycherfas, BigShip, bret, [Joao_Paulo_Pes] and tPoltergeist joined the channel
The person credited with /ideas has their page at https://ogorod.agentcooper.io/ideas
Oh, it's on a subdomain
to2ds, gRegorLove_, bterry, Blueberry_Eating, Halian, tPoltergeist, geoffo, gRegor, jacky, [jeremycherfas], gRegorLove__, [Murray] and rrix joined the channel
what is about page
"About" is a commonly occurring page or section on a site that describes who is behind the site and a summary or the purpose of the site https://indieweb.org/about_page
what is now
A now page is a page that tells you what a person is focused on at this point in their life https://indieweb.org/Now
a51 and tPoltergeist joined the channel
[Joao_Paulo_Pes] Did you come along to HWC Europe online last week? I may have forgotten to say hi!
to2ds and jacky joined the channel
Hey there! Finally decided to join the chat. Spent way too much time poking around the IndieWeb site in the past couple of months and I thought it was time to do a stop here and say hi
Welcome, manuelmoreale[d] !
hi [olebrussels] and welcome. Do you have a personal website?
I love the design of your personal website. Your interview with Ana for the People and Blogs series was great!
[KevinMarks]: I definitely do https://manuelmoreale.com
capjamesg[d]: Thank you! I'm having so much fun running that series
to2ds, tPoltergeist, Guest6, jacky, [lcs] and [jamietanna] joined the channel
https://mastodon.social/@mcc/111999498962380532 is very cool, I assume we probably wouldn't be able to plug it in directly to Microsub, but someone could build something on top of it to do so?
You'd need a microsub to Mastodon api converter, yes. Which would be work.
hey [jamietanna] [KevinMarks]: we try to keep jargon (Microsub, API) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
lazcorp and to2ds joined the channel
Loqi has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
AramZS joined the channel
> [capjamesg]: [Joao_Paulo_Pes] Did you come along to HWC Europe online last week? I may have forgotten to say hi!
hi! 👋
i did stop by at the end-ish, but i was still trying to figure out the format so i only lurked
What is your domain name?
At HWC, you're welcome to lurk, ask questions, participate in discussions -- whatever you'd like to do!
just deployed it yesterday, the plan is to do everything progressively so it's still very rough
thanks, first impression is that it's a very friendly community!
Very cool typography!
That songbook looks beautiful.
thanks! gonna add links to everything soon, but in the meantime here it is https://github.com/jpesce/great-latex-songbook
tPoltergeist joined the channel
I wonder what I can LaTeX-ify!
jacky joined the channel
hi @manuelmoreale! ocasional reader here, we exchanged emails a while back and you invited me to http://literal.club 👋 nice to see you here
gxt_ joined the channel
You can render LaTeX to svg for web display
for math formulas, for example?
Yes, that was my original use case, but your paginated songbook could work that way as well.
[Joao_Paulo_Pes]: Oh hi! Small world
tPoltergeist, jacky and bterry joined the channel
[KevinMarks] apparently you can convert LaTeX directly to html (https://tug.org/tex4ht/), so for full page documents it might be a better idea? but for math notation and possibly other small pieces of information (diagrams?) that's indeed a great tool! i think even Notion uses it for that
mahboubine, antranigv, gRegorLove__, gRegorLove_, [schmarty], immibis, gRegor, rvalue, [aciccarello], [jeremycherfas], [Murray], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [Joao_Paulo_Pes], [KevinMarks] and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
i was about to set up a wordpress site for myself... backpedaling... time to search for alternatives
time to move my last wordpress.com site to a semi-self hosting setup....
This is a real shame to see.
do we need a page on this phenomenon of silos selling user contributed content for AI training? earlier: https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/17/24075670/reddit-ai-training-license-deal-user-content
iammnchrm[d] Do you have a personal website? (Forgive me if I have asked already 😂 )
not yet, I'm not that tech-savy
i'm currently learning how to do it
Ah! Exciting!
To the extent we can be helpful, let us know!
will do, thanks for letting me know ^^
You are most welcome! Making websites is fun! Helping people make websites is just as fun!
[Paul_Robert_Ll], tryinbrian, [qubyte], gRegorLove_ and gRegor joined the channel
Speaking of, we have a virtual event coming up "Build a Website in an Hour" https://events.indieweb.org/2024/03/build-a-website-in-an-hour-lUYv5DntQ3Sr
[tantek], jacky and angelo joined the channel
welp, this might be a "Why not to" reason for POSSE: https://andregarzia.com/2024/02/automattic-betrayal-of-its-users.html
Test2, jeremycherfas and geoffo joined the channel
This Automattic news only applies to WordPress.com and not other WP hosts?
nothing stops other ones from following along (which is the defacto mode for most tech companies)
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
pretty sure also Tumblr
also what happens to content that goes through the WP .com JetPack plugin?
geoffo joined the channel
tryinbrian, [capjamesg] and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel