#[Joe_Crawford]Bottom line is every aspect of IndieWeb community I’ve encountered over the past year has been encouraging and has met people at whatever level they come to it at with positive feedback and assistive intent.
#gRegorThat's a developer offering to be helpful, which is great, much like many in our chat. But I'm not sure that actually addresses the perception of indieweb being dev heavy in messaging.
#gRegorNon-devs from the community have expressed that too. That's how I found the article that was shared a few days ago, actually, someone who loves indieweb in principle but gets frustrated by it
#gRegor'it' being the dev stuff. they're appreciative of the community and help.
#mandarisHello! I don't know if this should go into general or dev. I've been thinking about the `h1` tag and wether I should promote usage of having multiple copies.
#[lcs]I’ve always thought of `h1` as analogous to the `title` and that you should stick to a single instance per document.
#[tantek]mandaris we do have a proposal to start a dev-like channel for these kinds of discussions of HTML, CSS
plantroon joined the channel
#capjamesgmandaris[d] Say more? I have heard you should only have one h1 on a page, but the considerations I have heard have been mainly focused on SEO.
#[aciccarello]I think that's also the recommendation for accessibility too
dexter and plantroon joined the channel
#[Murray]Definitely creeping on dev territory, but yes, there are a number of reasons that a page should only have one main heading/title, which is what that element is used to indicate, and a lot of assistive technologies are designed with that pattern in mind
mauromotion, njd, ben_thatmustbeme, bterry, [contact898] and jacky joined the channel
#mandarisThe reason that I'm bringing it up is that I've been working on a theme that 10 other people are using. It's for a static webpage generator called Hugo. The theme is mainly for blogging and I've made the individual article titles `h1`s.
dissolve22[d] and [campegg] joined the channel
#[campegg]mandaris, I posted my take in #indieweb-dev
#[tantek]This quote: "The big tech companies—Meta, Amazon, Apple, Alphabet—control our attention and mediate our transactions, he says, turning humans into digital serfs incessantly posting, scrolling, and buying on their platforms."