#indieweb 2024-03-30

2024-03-30 UTC
Does anyone not put their full articles in their RSS feed?
rvalue and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I pull full articles for the first 10 posts and then summaries for 20 more posts.
Yeah, I find summary-only feeds frustrating
It's a feed reader not a feed teaser
jacky joined the channel
It's because one of the expansions of RSS is Rich Site Summary
geoffo and [tw2113] joined the channel
I'm fine with summaries that I hope compel people to click through to visit my site in full
I don't serve ads or very much tracking in general, it's a small ask
jacky joined the channel
aaronpk: aaronpk[d] LOL
capjamesg[d]: I'm curious because I don't know if what I'm seeing is the full post sometimes. In the feed, it doesn't say "click here for more". Now, I know your posts are typically longer than what my rss reader says but not when I first started reading.
jacky and sennomo joined the channel
[tw2113]: I get it. I’m sure we all put effort into making our sites. The benefits of having a reader is that the information comes to me and I control over things like font and color.
chimo and kleb joined the channel
I have noticed that it shows up differently depending on which reader you have. Raven Reader,for instance, tends to only show a little of the post you're trying to read unless you click the button labeled show full content.
[qubyte], [aciccarello], [schmarty], IWSlackGateway, [manton], [tantek], [tw2113], [jeremycherfas] and [Jan_Tuomi] joined the channel
I need to straighten out my reader existence, actually; I like a normal RSS reader (right now my options I'm looking at are Monocle, TT-RSS,or Selfoss, though I can't decide between then) so we'll see.
rvalue, [tantek] and [contact898] joined the channel
I'm also slightly annoyed by the not-full feeds, James, but I think a longer excerpt would work. Here it usually doesn't get long enough for me to decide what you're going to talk about and it's frustrating because I have to click 😁
cambridgeport90[d] I like Monocle! The mark as read feature is a bit off, but I use it every day!
[contact898] Thank you for the feedback! I’ll make this change today.
capjamesg[d]: Only thing with Monocle, (and I might be able to help fix it,provided it is PHP),is that the links are not labeled properly,so they show up as "number"to screen readers trying to read them. They look like hash signs when scrolling. I haven't gotten any sighted confirmation around me...yet.
Ah. Tagging aaronpk ^
dmowitz, ttybitnik, rvalue, fererrorocher, Guest6, [jeremycherfas], [Paul_Robert_Ll], sp1ff, chimo and geoffo joined the channel
I’m a full-fat feed person, but that’s why I’ve been looking into RFC 5005 (and interested in how wide the support for feed pagination is). I don’t want my feed to keep growing, and I can play cache-buster games if I can push old entries into pages.
Veering toward #indieweb-dev here, so if anyone is interested in talking about pagination, let’s go there.
I have a web question!
Does anyone have any feedback on how I render blockquotes? https://jamesg.blog/2024/03/30/curly-braces/
I wonder if they are sufficiently distinct from my text.
[preview] Conundra, indeed: Using curly braces in English
capjamesg: 404 not found?
Sorry, try again sknebel.
yep, now works
I may or may not need your help with that permissions thing again.
I think the quote is obvious enough, barely
bkl52 joined the channel
some background element might help. lightly-colored large quotation marks in the background, like some places do for pullquotes?
I'm sure theres CSS examples for that around :D
[snarfed] and fererrorocher joined the channel
mandaris[d] My full post text should now be in your RSS reader.
You may need to refresh my feed in your feed reader to see it.
bkl52 left the channel
(If someone could test, that would be amazing!-
capjamesg[d] The full feed is there. I'll continue to go to the main site as well.
My site is currently down for maintenance, but good to know the feed worked!
I asked for too much and now I get _NOTHING_
Fishing is important
mandaris[d] This issue is entirely separate from the feed, but I thought I'd fix it now haha.
capjamesg[d] It only feels this raw right now / Lost in the labyrinth of my mind / Break up, break free, break through, break down.
The perfect sentiment for the moment.
goes to play Labyrinth
sknebel has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (32 in all channels)
sknebel++ for getting my site back online.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[preview] [Molly White] i messed up my daily note formatting so badly i time traveled back 2,000 years #obsidian https://media.hachyderm.io/media_attachments/files/112/185/436/659/139/289/original/3ac4d90854f980fb.png
fererrorocher, [qubyte], LibreDrip, dustinm`, geoffo and stefen joined the channel
lol. And this is why we don't use two digit years. Next time anyone is tempted to do so for "presentational" reasons
rvalue and fererrorocher joined the channel
How many blog posts does everyone expect in a feed? 5? 10?
I presently publish five, but I wonder if that is too few?
15 was the original rss default
CRISPR joined the channel
WordPress defaults to 10 out of box
I have set it to 20.
fererrorocher and AramZS joined the channel
as long as your post velocity isn't higher than the average feed reader's poll rate, it shouldn't really matter too much, since feeds are plumbing, not user facing
nertzy and bterry joined the channel
What is the average poll rate [snarfed]?
It looks like we don't have a page for "average poll rate [snarfed]" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "average poll rate [snarfed] is ____", a sentence describing the term)
(I understand this is a guesstimate :D)
nertzy_ and rrix joined the channel
I would expect between every 15 minutes and a day
jacky joined the channel
A lot of polling sites use relaxation (exponential backoff) to tune polling frequency
ttybitnik, bret, jacky, CRISPR, JadedBlueEyes, rvalue-, rvalue and gRegor joined the channel