#indieweb 2024-03-31

2024-03-31 UTC
rvalue, [benatwork], CRISPR, [schmarty] and fererrorocher joined the channel
[preview] Claudine Chionh
bterry, benl, [Jan_Tuomi] and ren joined the channel
claudinec has 3 karma over the last year
Great blog post!
Thanks! Hmm, did I get the karma command wrong?
Ah! You have to use it at the start or end of a message.
coffee++ is cool!
coffee has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
capjamesg++ got it!
capjamesg has 50 karma in this channel over the last year (186 in all channels)
There we go!
I wonder what else I can turn into a decision tree!
I also need to look into Mermaid colour schemes.
Mili, benl, stefen, nertzy, yar, antranigv_, ttybitnik, dmowitz, fererrorocher, Achylles, plantroon, [tantek], rvalue, [KevinMarks], geoffo and AramZS joined the channel
Speaking o color schemes...considering I always try and make my web site as accessible as possible to as many people as possible, even though personal sites don't have to comply with WCAG requirements, just because they don't have to, doesn't necessarily mean that they shouldn't. How can you compormise with color schemes, then?
bacardi55[m] and geoffo joined the channel
I keep my sites so minimal and brutalist-looking that WCAG criteria are easy to meet 😅
[qubyte] joined the channel
I took an axiomatic approach to accessibility (the text is the opposite hue (in HSL, so not perfect) to the background colour 😅
*so the text is the opposite hue to the background
In light mode that is. In dark mode I’ve avoided white text on black because it can be too stark.
Yeah. OLED screen users probably enjoy full black but I use a tasteful `#222`
I use a white background in light mode with black text. My links are a sufficiently dark blue (#4169e1) colour so as to be compliant with WCAG AA.
In dark mode, my links change to a green colour and the background to a dark navy colour. I haven't done an accessibility test on that colour scheme yet. I should!
geoffo joined the channel
OLED is why is use pure black, yup. My choices for light mode stemmed from knowing some folk who struggled with black on white, so I tilted things.
plantroon, nertzy, geoffo, chenghiz_, jacky and gRegor joined the channel
The advice is not to change the black of the text but the white background.
Pure black is good anyway as a background, you never know how much spill light they have.
Originally I had black on beige. I was going for a sort of classic look, but it was just boring. Spicing up the beige and tilting the text to a deep blue felt like it added some playfulness. https://qubyte.codes/blog/a-brighter-shade-of-beige
antranigv, Ezri, kleb and ttybitnik joined the channel