#indieweb 2024-04-01

2024-04-01 UTC
Around Yule I want to do something with red and green, so, probably red on light green or something.because forest green might be too dark. Spring it easier since the colors are pastel.
rvalue, Matticus, teasea, benl, barnaby, FakeNukes, Crul, antranigv_, jeremycherfas, Guest6, dmowitz, fererrorocher, ttybitnik, AramZS, bterry, ww, jacky, geoffo, Saphir, pabs79, bret, [aciccarello], antranigv and [tantek] joined the channel; dadofapollo and tbsp left the channel
Hello folks! My name is Bruno, software dev from Halifax - Canada. I've just recently found out about the indieWeb movement. I'm happy to find this discord group to chat with other like minded folks
[Murray] joined the channel
Hi br0liv and welcome 👋 It's a bit sleepy around here today it seems 😄 Do you have a personal website, or just starting to dabble?
Welcome br0liv[d] !
o/ Welcome!
Tks! 🙂
anyone have good examples of April 1 IndieWeb humor/joke posts?
closest I know of is metaformats which is not strictly IndieWeb
anyone seen a custom blog theme or other stylistic changes for the day?
i tried searching my site and found this 😂 https://aaronparecki.com/2019/11/02/32/april1
I was a holdout on getting a cell phone back in the day. Apparently I posted 2005-04-01 that I got one. I think it was 2006 when I finally got one.
So many blog comments from friends. I miss those days.
misses those days too
gives Loqi those days
gives Loqi a taste of those days
eats the taste of those days
btrem and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
what is a challenge
challenge is an event-like post which serves as a (typically open) invitation for people to post achievements towards some goal, like running a total distance, or posting photos at some frequency (every day), supported by silos like Strava and micro.blog https://indieweb.org/challenge
[qubyte] joined the channel
to2ds and benl joined the channel
Made an April Fool's post today but not sure if it qualifies as IndieWeb though.
benl and geoffo joined the channel
to2ds you wikified yourself on the IndieWeb wiki and added yourself to /chat-names so I'd say that counts!
Okey-doke 😊
geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
GoDaddy-- for a completely broken log in system.
GoDaddy has -1 karma over the last year
Still broken after enabling all their stupid scripts, then disabling NoScript altogether. Had to open a different browser just to log in. What a joke.
geoffo and lifeofpablo joined the channel
GoDaddy is banned from Ba Sing Se.
It's stunning that a major company can make a site that is that broken.
Perhaps more dismaying, my health care provider's site is also horribly broken. I usually open a private browsing window just to log in. But it will seemingly randomly log me out if I click the wrong link. Only I'm not really logged out. I get another "please log in" page, but if I hit the back button, I'm back in. So there's just some pages that are unreachable.
Can a nonconsecutive "100 Days of" project qualify? Started one in March but retroactively used posts beginning on 1/1/2024, so not sure if it applies now.
to2ds it counts!
geoffo and to2ds joined the channel
btrem - Maybe these broken sites need to start adopting IndieWeb technologies :)
No need for indieweb technologies. They just need to adopt *web* technologies.
Indieweb stuff would be a bonus, but I'd settle for basic functionality.
geoffo joined the channel
to2ds non-sequential 100 days yes can be a thing! pretty sure we have a section for that on the page
what is 100days
💯 A 100 days project in the IndieWeb community is representative of challenges to do or make something and post about it on your own site with some regularity (every day) and/or total completion number (like 100 posts) over a period of time like that same number of days or within a (calendar) year https://indieweb.org/100days
note "and/or total completion number"!
Ah! Somehow glossed over the "and/or total". Up to 18 as of today.
geoffo joined the channel
amazing! I think that's more than I have done IndieWeb posts for 2024!
These are actually posted as a "notes" functional equivalent but are aggregated into a single dedicated long form post.
geoffo joined the channel
do they have their own permalinks?
to2ds joined the channel
[tantek] - Yes. Each entry has a permalink.
meow hi :3