#indieweb 2024-04-02

2024-04-02 UTC
Achylles, Achylles_, Achylles__, benl, ShockTohp, [Jan_Tuomi], ren, saptaks, [lcs], hedy-, [Scout], lazcorp, rvalue, Guest6, to2ds, ttybitnik, mretka, bterry, jacky, fererrorocher, AramZS, mauromotion, [campegg], jmjl, jeremycherfas, [Paul_Robert_Ll], Guest6_, pax_os__, pax_73, [aciccarello], [tantek], barnaby, [schmarty], [benatwork], Guest6233, javivi and [Murray] joined the channel
I'm aware a few people post check-ins to their site, but does anyone know of people doing more long-form journaling that includes content like location, maybe weather or some other "logs" of details, the kind of thing people traditionally did in diaries? Any particularly fun examples
I do long-form travel journaling but don't include that level of detail.
I do have some statistics in my year-in-review birding posts but it's still a pretty loose format https://www.ciccarello.me/blog/2023/06/30/birding-in-2022/
I actually already have some of your posts saved to my "inspiration" note for the very thing I'm trying to work on 😅 But yes, this is exactly what I'm after 🙂
There's someone with a really cool photo journal of their travels. I can't remember who it was though.
I'm also going to Seattle for the first time this year, so currently reading that post and taking notes 😄
Yes! That's the one.
I would love to do some birding in Africa. My last trip to the continent was before I got serious about it.
Having been to Rwanda last year (and having South African family) I can recommend it 😉
I mentioned in HWC, I still have some drafts from a trip to Italy a few years ago that I would still like to publish. Editing is hard though.
My archive of photos feels overwhelming too.
what is locaiton
It looks like we don't have a page for "locaiton" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "locaiton is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is location
location is a key aspect of checkin and event posts https://indieweb.org/location
hmm, need to fix that dfn
what is location
location is a key aspect of checkin & event posts, and also sometimes an aspect of posts in general, like where a note or photo/video was posted https://indieweb.org/location
I feel the overwhelm 😅
had not found that page, thanks, lots more to look through
I'm intrigued that many people store the Swarm location as a link, but I've not found anyone that creates their own "location" pages
what is a venue
📍 A venue is a named location or address/geo that is typically used for checkins https://indieweb.org/venue
[Murray] you mean like the folks listed in https://indieweb.org/venue#Indieweb_Examples ?
Ah there we go! tantek++
tantek has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (105 in all channels)
I figured it must be in there somewhere, had not found it 😄
I guess that should probably go under Issues. I can clean up later, but that's a debate that comes to mind whenever I hear the topic.
That's a great response to the "don't geotag" nonsense
I noticed that the Leave No Trace website had basically refuted a lot of what was being done in their name. I'm not sure what was originally on their principles though.
that post is essentially right. a lot of that kind of "don't geotag" is thinly veiled racism/NIMBYism
javivi joined the channel