#indieweb 2024-04-03

2024-04-03 UTC
[tw2113], rvalue-, geoffo, lockywolf, lane, raghavgururajan, eb, shreyasminocha, rvalue, jacky, Guest96, [jeremycherfas], [Jan_Tuomi], BigShip, ren, barnaby, [qubyte], mauromotion, to2ds and Guest6 joined the channel
I’m 99% in agreement with that ‘keep geotagging’ post, but take minor exception to one thing: underprepared hikers can (and do) endanger themselves (and then the people who have to rescue them) pretty easily. I’m all for as many people getting out and experiencing as much of the outdoors as they possibly can, but heading out in running shoes with no water—which I’ve seen at many, many tarilheads—can be a recipe for disaster. Using
‘ill-prepared’ as a blanket statement to describe casual hikers, especially hikers who are POC, is not OK, though.
But there is also a special place in hell for people that litter national/state/whatever parks, regardless of who they happen to be
[Scout] joined the channel
↩️ i don't think the article is in disagreement with your argument. they simply say not to gate-keep for racist and classist reasons. and to find other solutions to these issues 🙂
[Scout] for sure!
ttybitnik joined the channel
Next time you question if the topic you are considering blogging about is worth a post or not: remember when the NYT published an article about "sticks" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/style/sticks-instagram-boone-hogg-logan-jugler.html
[lcs], fererrorocher, saptaks, AramZS, firepoet, [KevinMarks], geoffo, [campegg], bterry, [Joe_Crawford] and mauromotion joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club Europe/London is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/wri1RLHoXtQl
geoffo, ttybitnik and [tantek] joined the channel
what is what to blog about
argh trailing preposition
sebbu2 joined the channel
trailing prepositions are good
Loqi ignores them
what is what to blog
A post is content published at a permalink, usually with an explicit published date in contrast to a named page, or the act of publishing that content, typically publicly, sometimes to a limited audience or even privately like a draft https://indieweb.org/what_to_blog
what is what to post
what to post is a collection of ideas, suggestions, and examples of things to post your personal site or blog https://indieweb.org/what_to_post
there we go
what to post << If you are wondering if the topic you are considering blogging about is worth a
post or not: remember when the NYT published an article about "sticks" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/style/sticks-instagram-boone-hogg-logan-jugler.html
ok, I added "If you are wondering if the topic you are considering blogging about is worth a" to the "See Also" section of /what_to_post https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=94500&oldid=94092
bret, bterry, barnabywalters and nucleargopher joined the channel
I really dislike reading stuff like this, because I feel it is very blame-shifting: "Retro Dodo is on the brink of collapse… *because of Google*." https://retrododo.com/google-is-killing-retro-dodo/
[aciccarello] joined the channel
It's easy to blame Google when it's so central to to a business but not really constructive.
My wife's company is going through some shocks with changes to Google's algorithms right now and it's hard on everyone.
[marksuth]++ for hosting HWC this evening!
[marksuth] has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (27 in all channels)
ttybitnik joined the channel
no one is "entitled" to a specific business model
no business model is static. anyone not assessing and consciously accepting risks of any particular business model only has themselves to blame for neglecting all that
business is risk
Especially with search engines. No one is entitled to traffic.
if you want to mitigate risk, buy insurance
[schmarty] joined the channel
this is feeling very #indieweb-chat!
Few people internalize all aspects associated with these gigantic services. Google Search is a great example. It works simply enough to find things I am looking for it becomes hard to imagine it exists as a moment in time and may not act the same way tomorrow. Being around as long as I have I remember when a googlebomb worked and would begin to rise in rank, then eventually drop. It's worse now. And same with reach on a TikTok, Instagram
or other silo. Such services will tout their ability to reach customers / readers / viewers / monetize today, but leave unstated the way that that behavior could change drastically at any second.
Plenty of risks, like your street might be under construction and then you get fewer people coming to your coffee shop, or maybe a parasitic worm infects the coffee beans and there's a shortage. And it's natural to blame the thing that caused your business to decline. But as aciccarello says, it may not be constructive.
what is a googlebomb?
It looks like we don't have a page for "googlebomb" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "googlebomb is ____", a sentence describing the term)
geoffo joined the channel
[aciccarello] following up on your posts about location and geotagging and (implicit) gatekeeping, one of the things I find intriguing about surfing is that it assuredly discourages including locative data of any kind in postings of photos. they keep it vague, to the extent that they avoid showing particular landmarks in the background. the argument I suspect they'd make is the Malibu example, which has become overrun and is now notable
for often horrendous conflict and bad behavior as the spot has been overrun. Finite waves / carrying capacity exceeded resulting in bad experience for most.
[Murray] following up on your question about location and richer data like weather - GWG definitely does that: https://david.shanske.com/
I need to tweak some things though, but always
wagle and [Ros] joined the channel
Meetup was awesome tonight - 3 hours flew by and I just spent another 2 hours reading all the resources that came up. See at the next one (in 2 weeks for me)
catgirlin_space[d] ++ for inspiring me to write some poetry.
catgirlin_space[d] has 1 karma over the last year
benji++ too!
benji has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
capjamesg[d]: mhm, seems like it’s a lot of fun hehe :3
Nice meeting you, [Ros]. Good luck with all the deep diving :)
↩️ You too! Next time I’ll bring my palm trees inspired by yours
gRegor I learned two weeks ago that a Yucca plant _is not_ a palm tree.
bterry joined the channel