#indieweb 2024-04-05

2024-04-05 UTC
bret, geoffo, [tw2113], ttybitnik, gruetzhaxe, AramZS and Halian joined the channel
Today in impromptu website changes: automatically converting temperatures to Celsius
I don't know why I started doing this 😂
Question: Do ovens with Celsius typically increment by 5?
↩️ yep
Cool, I'll round my temperatures to that.
[Al_Abut] and [tantek] joined the channel
Can also confirm
Old mechancial tuners (what's the correct English term for a button that you turn to adjust temp?) don't, though 😉
Ha, analog ftw
I think I would call that a dial or knob
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Or a thermostat knob?
Thanks! Dial or knob both sound sensible
thermostat knob even more specific!
ren joined the channel
heyo! didn't know the indieweb was becoming so standardized until i stumbled across indieweb.org. glad to discover this community!
Welcome! It’s definitely gaining steam.
I just mentioned to a fellow blogger that going on social media feels like tapping into a lifeless, untouchable global consciousness, discovering a personal website feels more like stumbling across a small, cozy cabin in the woods.
It just feels much more humna
[edit] It just feels much more human
That’s a great way to phrase it
I feel like any kind of personal site - whether a blog, digital garden, or even just a little splash page - is a slower and more deliberate way of communicating. And also more personalized!
For once in human history we are going to have to deliberately make things slower and more inconvenient in order feel again
I don't really think that's it. Merely dropping all the algo suggested crap solves like 90% of the problem. Muting prolific/noisy people helps another 5%
Also muting people who mostly (re)post other people's posts/articles instead of original content
That’s a big part too. But the reactivity of super short notes is a factor for me too, also the ephemeral vertical stories.
[Jan_Tuomi] joined the channel
Easy to consume, easy to write
yeah that's a good point
timdream joined the channel
Anyone have weird experiences on some semi-public wifi like Apple Notes not syncing? IndieWeb angle: would really like 100% mobile usable (private) IndieWeb notes that "just" directly synced with my website instead of someone else's "cloud"
I can’t remember that happening recently but it feels like the kind of thing I’d get bit by at a Starbucks. You know those wifi networks where you have to “sign in” just to fire up the browser. Could be an issue with all of iCloud syncing and Notes is just the symptom.
Welcome andersamer[d]!
I love your website!
And the private notes that sync without a cloud overlaps a lot with the Obsidian discussion, if I understand the syncing options correctly. They have a paid hosted service for syncing but also an open source version to run your own. Plus they’re just markdown files that I bet you could rsync.
capjamesg[d]: thank you! i'm fooling around with the design right now so you might see some changes haha
mauromotion joined the channel
Markdown files don't have a good mobile editor, so that's a nonstarter
Synced editable notes across devices is the use case here
It's too bad etherpad never worked well on mobile or was made offline-first so you could use it without being network connected
What's particularly sad is that Apple has all the information it needs to do fully local AppleID based syncing across bluetooth and they somehow don't. It would be such a differentiating feature
moose333 joined the channel
Oops, forgot who I was talking to. Sorry about bringing up the M word 😂
there’s a huge ecosystem of good markdown editors on iOS but first you have to, ahem, you know, actually like MD
Bear is one, off the top of my head.
[campegg], revi, ttybitnik, Halian, [pfefferle], AramZS, gruetzhaxe, [schmarty], bterry1, fererrorocher, mauromotion, rvalue, Halian|, [Joe_Crawford], geoffo, [qubyte], [KevinMarks], [snarfed], [Joao_Paulo_Pes] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "MDN’s AI Help and lucid lies" https://seirdy.one/posts/2024/04/04/mdn-ai-help-and-lucid-lies/